Meet fast rising music video director

 Oluwaseun Babalola famously known as Director Peacock was born on 22 June 1999 in Mushin , Lagos State, where he spent his early life before moving to Ikorodu Lagos state , where he finished his high school at “Skylight comprehensive college” Director peacock in 2018 release the first ever Photo album idea “THE DEUCE ALBUM”. […]

Meet fast rising music video director


 Oluwaseun Babalola famously known as Director Peacock was born on 22 June 1999 in Mushin , Lagos State, where he spent his early life before moving to Ikorodu Lagos state , where he finished his high school at “Skylight comprehensive college”

Director peacock in 2018 release the first ever Photo album idea “THE DEUCE ALBUM”. Which became very popular. He first gained popularity in 2017 following the launch of the COMMUNITY he created “FORMATION SQUAD”, A community of 10 creatives creating awareness in the society.

Director peacock is a visionary music director with a knack for crafting unforgettable visual experiences, has quickly established himself as a rising star in the industry.

Born and raised in Lagos Nigeria , Oluwaseun’s passion for arts, music and film ignited at a young age, designing comics and sketching pictures of his grandparents and things around him. This fueled his love for storytelling and artistic expression.


After graduating for the creative arts department at TASUED, Director Peacock began his career as a music video director, collaborating with talented artists and musicians to bring their creative visions to life. In less than three years he has directed a series of groundbreaking music videos that have garnered critical acclaim and captivated audiences worldwide.

He has worked with Top celebrities like Omah lay, Joeboy, Khaid, Id Cabassa, DJ Neptune, Vector, Kaestyle and so many other artists across Africa and the world.

With his unique perspective and undeniable talent, Director Peacock is poised to become one of the most influential music directors of his generation.


Director peacock net worth was not disclosed by him but he has an estimated net worth of $22k