Meet female tailors sewing industrial, safety wears for a living

A platform was provided for them by an entrepreneur and oil and gas industrialist, Mr Obinna Eneh, to fend for themselves. Some of them, who appeared to have lost hope and solely depended on begging to sustain themselves, can now pay their bills and also help their families. Mr Eneh, a US-trained industrialist set up […]

Meet female tailors sewing industrial, safety wears for a living

Meet female tailors sewing industrial, safety wears for a living

A platform was provided for them by an entrepreneur and oil and gas industrialist, Mr Obinna Eneh, to fend for themselves. Some of them, who appeared to have lost hope and solely depended on begging to sustain themselves, can now pay their bills and also help their families. Mr Eneh, a US-trained industrialist set up Xirea Apparel to help indigent youths acquire skill in tailoring and today the likes of Enemesi Essien, Joy Davis and Dimkpa Vivian, in less than one year, can sew both male and female industrial and safety wears with high perfection. Excerpts:


 Enemesi Essien

How did you learn to sew industrial and safety wears?

My name is Enemesi Essien. Someone informed me that there is a company that trains people, especially youths, to acquire skill in sewing especially industrial wears. I was a bit worried because I was thinking of how to raise money for the training but I later learnt that it was free and that stipends were even paid to the trainees. So I applied.

When you applied what happened next?

When I applied, I was successful and training commenced immediately. We were lectured on so many things on industrial sewing. They also trained us on character building and on how to relate with people.

 How long did it take you to learn sewing?

I learnt how to track the machines; how to move the machines and all the functions and rudiments of sewing. I have been here for more than a year now but it took me less than three months to acquire all the skills I needed to become a professional industrial tailor.

How has the skill you have acquired helped you in terms of taking care of your financial needs?

Before I used to rely on people to take care of my personal needs but today I can conveniently pay my bills and also help my family. I want to thank our chairman, Mr Obinna Eneh, who provided this platform through Xirea Apparel to help people like us. I want other wealthy Nigerians to emulate him.

Joy Davis

My name is Joy Davis. I came to Xirea Apparel to learn skills in tailoring in industrial wears and other materials. Before I came here, I don’t know how to sew but in less than three months I was able to master the techniques in sewing. I can handle the industrial machine and sew all manner of industrial wears and other materials.

I can sew perfectly well and most importantly I can now take care of my financial needs and no longer depend on people for help. I want to thank Xirea Apparel for giving us the vision and creating the platform to become what we are today.

Dimkpa Vivian

My name is Vivian Dimkpa. I have been here for one year. I acquired skill in tailoring especially in industrial and safety wears. I can sew very well with little supervision. The skill has helped me to fend for myself and foot my bills with less dependence on people. I want to thank Xirea for providing this platform for us. If wealthy Nigerians can do like this, a lot of our youths will not be loitering the streets.