Memo to Nigeria police

Now that the insurgent Boko Haram leader was killed by the police under the government claiming rule of law what is left for them to do to equalise the score is to turn to Niger Delta and do the same there on the militants. Though the activities of the sect is both illegal in Islamic […]

Memo to Nigeria police
Memo to Nigeria police

Now that the insurgent Boko Haram leader was killed by the police under the government claiming rule of law what is left for them to do to equalise the score is to turn to Niger Delta and do the same there on the militants. Though the activities of the sect is both illegal in Islamic and Nigerian law as they abduct and conscript innocent women and children to fight their unholy war but their leader should not be killed like that. If the government is sincere it should have charged the sect leader, Mohammed Yusuf to court to know his motive behind the attack on the police.

 Ibrahim Musa Gwammaja, 1297, Gwammaja Quarters, Kano

Akwa Ibom govt. and rule of law

I have constantly read the Akwa Ibom governor, Chief Godswill Akpabio (a lawyer), harping on the rule of law. In his government’s raging case with Cross River State on the disputed oil wells, he got my respect when he opined that the rule of law must be followed in attempting to settle the matter. I believe in rule of law as well. I just hope that the governor’s position on this is not mere political talk because I would like to know why his government should constitute a stumbling block to the law enforcement agency for trying to carry out its lawful duty. One Barrister Victor Ukutt averred in the media that the governor had given instruction to the police not to prosecute one Sam Ita Uma, who together with his wife, and some British nationals namely Mr. Gary Foxcroft, Tracey Macvey, Mag Gaven and Sophie Okonedo are being sought by the police for having pirated Evangelist (Mrs.) Helen Ukpabio’s film/home video entitled “End of The Wicked”. What is Governor Akpabio’s interest in this matter? One expects him to concentrate on stabilizing his much criticized current tenure and his desire for a second term in office. I advise him to stop courting distractions because it will not pay him better.

Olufemi Adisa, 55 Akiolu Crescent, Ring Road,Ibadan.([email protected])

Govt. must stop this erotic art

Sadly, some promiscuous people have fully indulged in spreading pornographic pictures on the streets all in the name of selling Viagra (man power or service). I wonder why these people arrogate to themselves the right to engage in this unhealthy business while there are licensed pharmaceuticals industries in place where all kinds of medicine can be legally obtained. Whenever I come in contact with these people I can’t help questioning why this mess in our society? Are these people so recalcitrant to an extreme extent that government cannot take drastic action against them? These people have turned bus stops, tertiary institutions vicinity, secretariats vicinity, post offices vicinity etc into their market square. They are devoid of shame and modesty and they aim to pollute the mind of our younger generation.  They must be stopped.

 Amiru [email protected]

What’s wrong with our President?

In the recent past there was a crisis in Jos but the President didn’t even visit the town to lessen the trauma of pain arising from the event. He has promised since the last two years to provide adequate power supply, health facilities, security amongst others to the public but yet nothing has been fulfilled of his promises. And now he left the country at the time when his presence is direly needed. So where is our President heading to if he cares little about his people?                                                                                              Yusuf Sani, Jibia.                                                                          [email protected]

PDP and dealers in stolen goods

Anyone who buys stolen goods is as guilty as the person that sold it. I am commenting on the spate of high profile cross-carpeting in Nigeria politics. I would not know if we are advancing our democracy or moving backwards. Earlier on, it was the Zamfara governor, followed by the Bauchi governor and few days back it was the turn of the Imo governor. There were also Senators, federal and state Houses’ members and even councillors. Ah, ah, they are political rogues by selfishly crossing over to the ruling (PDP) party. Nemesis surely would catch up with them.

Dr. Thomas Babatunde Fawora, 185, Marina, Lagos