Men and the other woman in their lives

Have you ever wondered why your man pays particular attention to this other woman in his life and sometimes never lets you go near her? For a lot of men, this particular mistress though considered to possess the same characteristics as any woman is more precious to them than any other of the other women […]

Men and the other woman in their lives
Men and the other woman in their lives

Have you ever wondered why your man pays particular attention to this other woman in his life and sometimes never lets you go near her? For a lot of men, this particular mistress though considered to possess the same characteristics as any woman is more precious to them than any other of the other women in their lives.

For most men, unlike for most women, cars are never just transportation and like women have affairs with their washing machines; men have more serious affairs and flings with their cars. Every guy remembers his first car with particular clarity.

Many men cannot have enough of their cars. According to them, it is easier to dedicate money, time and effort to a “lady” who makes no fuss and delivers instantly when ever she is called upon. As a matter of fact they are easier to maintain than relationships with their human counter parts.

Some of them ask, ‘why shouldn’t I give her all that attention and loving. She is never jealous no matter how many other cars I have whether they are more beautiful than she is or whether I take the others out more often that her or spend late nights. She doesn’t question where I am because she knows already and is willing to take me anywhere I want at whatever hour of the day even if it is to see another woman. She won’t break your heart when you need her most because all the love and care will speak up on that rainy day.

There are men who consider it less risky to channel their hearts and affection towards their cars than to a relationship. They would rather invest emotionally in their cars than in their women.

According to Dr. Eileen Alexander, cars feed into a man’s need for ownership/possession and that sense of social acceptance. “It’s easy to feel pride with one’s car,” she says, adding that often, there is immediate gratification from the time and effort spent, e.g. washing, waxing, and shining one’s car. “This also can give not only immediate but very satisfying pleasure.”

A relationship with a car is generally, for the most part, glitch free. “The cars may have needs but the needs are usually easily met – usually by buying and fixing. And men have the ‘fix it’ gene so to speak. Cars can challenge men when there are problems but the challenge seems to be a welcomed challenge, and there is a sense of satisfaction and achievement when the problem is fixed or conquered.”

Meanwhile, Alexander says, “relationships with humans involve meeting emotional needs, require communication to negotiate differences, need time and money and are not often easily fixed.”

These arguments and justifications provoke a question – Can a car give you the comfort a relationship would? A car is flashy today and serves the purpose that you need it for. Over time the engine and parts and mechanics ware out.

The physical appearance of a woman could ware out over time, but her inner qualities are likely to get better if you have invested as much efforts and resources on her as you have done on a piece of metal.

While some are able to keep things idling at an acceptable level, others get caught up in the ride. “Devotion to cars can be problematic when time and money spent on cars robs the partner and the relationship, and when the couple’s life and schedule revolve around cars, car shows, rallies, buying the best equipment, and the male is away long periods, ignoring his wife and children, and other responsibilities too.”

When your car fascination gets put of hand maybe you should consider sleeping in it in time of crisis than crawling up to the warmth and embrace of your woman.

According to studies reported on UK based The New Paper, male drivers consider their cars to be an extension of themselves.

Explaining the logic behind their findings, the researchers said, “Men are also more inclined to cruise along with one hand on the wheel – they are more relaxed inside the interior of their vehicles. In contrast, female drivers tend to keep both hands firmly on the wheel. This is because women treat cars as a separate entity.”

In other findings, the study concluded that drivers are also four times more likely to sing on their way to work than on the way home. This is because they perceive their car as a safe and personal place, not unlike the bath.

“Men are also likely to indulge in the type of shows of affection towards cars that one usually associates with loved ones or pets, such as patting the roof or dashboard.