Mental health as a vital part of overall well-being

In the realm of health and wellness, mental health is often an overlooked aspect. While physical fitness and nutrition receive a significant amount of attention, mental well-being tends to be stigmatised and ignored. It’s time we break the stigma surrounding mental health and acknowledge its importance as a vital component of overall well-being. First and […]

Mental health as a vital part of overall well-being
Mental health as a vital part of overall well-being

In the realm of health and wellness, mental health is often an overlooked aspect. While physical fitness and nutrition receive a significant amount of attention, mental well-being tends to be stigmatised and ignored. It’s time we break the stigma surrounding mental health and acknowledge its importance as a vital component of overall well-being.

First and foremost, it is essential to understand that mental health is not a sign of weakness or a character flaw. Just like any physical illness, mental health conditions require care, support, and treatment.

It is estimated that around one in four people will experience a mental health problem at some point in their lives. These conditions can range from anxiety and depression to more severe disorders like bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. By stigmatising mental health, we only add to the burden already carried by individuals suffering from these conditions.

The consequences of dismissing mental health as less important than physical health are far-reaching. Mental health issues not only affect an individual’s emotional and psychological well-being but also impact their physical health.

Untreated mental health conditions can lead to chronic stress, sleep disturbances, weakened immune functions, and even an increased risk of developing physical illnesses, such as heart disease and diabetes. Ignoring mental health undermines one’s ability to fully live a fulfilling and productive life.

Moreover, the societal stigma attached to mental health prevents individuals from seeking help and support. Society’s judgment and discrimination can make people feel ashamed or embarrassed about their struggles, leading them to suffer in silence.

This perpetuation of the stigma must end. We need to create an environment where individuals feel safe and encouraged to speak openly about their mental health concerns without fear of judgment or alienation.

Embracing mental health as a vital part of overall well-being requires collective effort. Educational institutions, workplaces and community organisations should prioritise mental health literacy and provide resources that promote mental well-being.

Governments should invest in mental health services, ensuring accessible and affordable care for all citizens. Media platforms should play a responsible role in portraying mental health accurately, steering away from harmful stereotypes and sensationalism.

Individuals can also contribute by being empathetic and supportive. Reach out to friends, family, and colleagues who may be struggling. Engage in conversations about mental health, reducing the stigma through open dialogue. By fostering a supportive environment, we can create a society that prioritizes mental health as much as physical health.

In conclusion, it is high time we break the stigma surrounding mental health and embrace it as a vital part of overall well-being. Mental health concerns affect a significant portion of the population and can have severe consequences if left untreated.

By prioritizing mental health, we not only support individual well-being but also create a more compassionate and inclusive society. Let us stand together, break the stigma, and ensure that mental health receives the recognition and care it deserves.


Lawal Halimat Ohunene is a 200 Level Mass Communication Student, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria