Milk collection and processing soon to replace hawking in Taraba

She said she had some selected group of pastoralists that she was buying fresh milk from

Milk collection and processing soon to replace hawking in Taraba

Fresh cow milk

Aisha Ardo, who owns Ardo Yahya Milk Collection and Processing Center in Jalingo, told North East Trust that the new method will increase income of cattle owners and also reduce the risk involved in trekking long distances by the hawkers to sell their milk.

She said she had some selected group of pastoralists that she was buying fresh milk from.

She said there are other people that are collecting milk and processing into Yoghurt and other dairy products and the business was attracting more investors.

“Every day milk hawkers trek several kilometers to bring milk to the town but under milk collection and processing the milk will be bought right inside the Ruga by owners of processing centers and dairy processing companies,” she said.

She called on the government to provide access roads for easy access to pastoralists to enable easy collection of milk.

Aisha Ardo said she and other Non-governmental organizations were currently campaigning for pastoralists to embrace ranching.