Minister urges agency boards to be transparent

(NOTAP) and the Nigerian Institute of Science Laboratory Technology (NISLT) to be guided by the principles of integrity, accountability and transparency for the overall national interest in the discharge of their responsibilities. Speaking in Abuja at the formal inauguration of the Governing Boards of the two agencies under the ministry, Mrs. Johnson said, the board […]

Minister urges agency boards to be transparent
Minister urges agency boards to be transparent

(NOTAP) and the Nigerian Institute of Science Laboratory Technology (NISLT) to be guided by the principles of integrity, accountability and transparency for the overall national interest in the discharge of their responsibilities.

Speaking in Abuja at the formal inauguration of the Governing Boards of the two agencies under the ministry, Mrs. Johnson said, the board members should provide policy guidelines for the operations of the agencies to enable them render technology related services to investors and innovators, entrepreneurs, researchers and industries.
The Minister who described members of the boards as people with proven integrity, unwavering patriotism and uncommon sense of duty, tasked the members to bring these worthy attributes to bear on their mandates as enshrined in the Acts establishing their agencies.
She requested the inaugurated boards to consolidate on their achievements by taking the agencies to the next level, which according to her, “would require total commitment and diligence of the highest order”.
Earlier in her welcome address, the ministry’s Permanent Secretary, Mrs. Rabi Shuaibu Jimeta, stated that the recent approval of the boards by President Goodluck Jonathan, were geared towards strengthening these agencies to play effective role in the implementation of the ST&I policy which was recently reviewed for more efficiency and development of the country.
Mrs Jimeta assured the boards of the ministry’s maximum co-operation in undertaking their national assignment.
The perm sec, who is also the chairperson of the board of NOTAP, spoke on behalf of the two inaugurated Governing Boards and pledged their readiness to render selfless service.