Motive of ‘child-not-bride’ campaign

I will like us all to stop this hatred for once and reason with our heads .Let all those whose grandmother waited till she was 18 before she got married show up and I will challenge them to prove it and to my Muslim brothers, yes  our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) married Nana Aisha when […]

Motive of ‘child-not-bride’ campaign
Motive of ‘child-not-bride’ campaign

I will like us all to stop this hatred for once and reason with our heads .Let all those whose grandmother waited till she was 18 before she got married show up and I will challenge them to prove it and to my Muslim brothers, yes  our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) married Nana Aisha when she was old enough to bear children with her consent and not 6 as most of those Islamophobes out there want others to believe, but again that was about 1500 years ago when western education wasn’t a prerequisite for a better future. My point here is the #Childnotbride campaign should be about giving our daughters and sisters a chance for a better future in this competitive world where education is necessary for our day-to-day activities. As the saying goes, when you educate a woman you have not just empowered her but her husband, children and to some extend the larger society.
Let’s stop the hate, and practice what we preach. How many of you against this campaign can give out your 13 years old daughter’s hand in marriage?.
As for Senator Ahmed Yerima, I doubt if he is doing what he’s doing for the sake of Islam or he’s trying to justify his marriage to a teenage Egyptian a couple of years ago. I am still waiting for the distinguished senator to give out his 13-year-old daughter out for marriage though.
I actually don’t care about the stipulated age of marriage by our law; but what I do care about is what efforts our legislators are making to provide qualitative, affordable and compulsory education to our children by law to protect not just our girls but their almajiri brothers who are at the mercy of all sorts of physical and psychological abuses.
When we are able to educate her to at least the senior secondary school level, then we let her decide for herself what she wants, be it a husband or further education. Let’s save the girl-child from Vesico vaginal fistula (VVF) but please some of the #Childnotbride campaigners need to leave Islam and Muslims alone and discuss issues rather than sentiments.

Zaharadeen Salisu <[email protected]>;