Movie trailers announced my return to Kannywood – Zainab Abdullahi

Zainab Abdullahi, popularly known in Kannywood as Zainab Indomie, is one of the leading actresses the industry has produced. She stopped acting on screen for several years only to resurface late last year. Here, she talks about her absence, return and more. Excerpts. Weekend Magazine: You have been away from Kannywood for almost five years. […]

Movie trailers announced my return to Kannywood – Zainab Abdullahi

Zainab Abdullahi, popularly known in Kannywood as Zainab Indomie

Zainab Abdullahi, popularly known in Kannywood as Zainab Indomie, is one of the leading actresses the industry has produced. She stopped acting on screen for several years only to resurface late last year. Here, she talks about her absence, return and more. Excerpts.

Weekend Magazine: You have been away from Kannywood for almost five years. What happened?

Zainab Abdullahi: Where I have been or what happened is not what matters now. The important thing is that I am hundred per cent back to the industry. I believe that is the most vital issue now. Moreover, I never deserted the movie industry. It is my domain, my family hub and my constituency. Being absent from the screen doesn’t mean one has left the industry completely. I have been in constant contact with the industry and with my colleagues. Perhaps, what gave people the impression that I left the industry was because they have not been seeing my face on screen. The good news here is that my absence has given other new faces an opportunity to grace the screen and make an impact in the industry.

WM: How does it feel to be back?

Zainab: I feel good, and like I mentioned earlier I didn’t completely leave the industry. However, it feels nice being back in the business. Those who have been missing my act will now have peace of mind because the Zainab they know is back and they will soon be seeing her face gracing their TV screen.

WM: What do you think of today’s Kannywood?

Zainab: There is a lot of improvement. There are more skilled operators in terms of equipment, and the quality of stories has also improved greatly. No doubt, the present Kannywood means business and I respect the operators for their efforts in the positive transformation of the industry into what it is today. Let me confess that had it been I have not been in the movie business for a long period, I would have found it difficult to adapt to what I now see.

 WM: Since your return, how many films have you featured in so far?

Zainab: I have acted in about five films now and I played the lead role in all five. Some of the movie trailers have been released. I think that was what really announced my return, especially that of Dr. Bahijja. The interesting thing is that all these movies are not yet released into the market but believe it or not, people have started asking questions. So when they are finally released, they will see the Zainab they have been missing doing what she knows how to do best.

WM: How did your colleagues react to your return?

Zainab: My relationship with my colleagues in the industry has always been cordial. We are just like one big family. On my return, I was received with so much hospitality and I got all the necessary cooperation. I felt like I had not been absent. It made my return a memorable one.

Zainab Abdullahi, popularly known in Kannywood as Zainab Indomie
Zainab Abdullahi, popularly known in Kannywood as Zainab Indomie

WM: Some years back, it was rumoured that you were dead. How did you receive that news?

Zainab: That’s one good aspect of being in the limelight. You will see and hear all sorts of things. I was said to have been dead on several occasions, but how do you react to such news when you are still alive? It all sounds funny. The good thing is that I am alive and people will soon begin to see more of me as new movies flood the markets. The moment you become a celebrity, people feel like they have a say in your life.

WM: Do you have any intention of quitting the industry anytime soon?

Zainab: Even if I will, it is definitely not going to be now. I have returned, and I have returned to stay till probably when I get married. This is my intention, but you know how destiny works. Anything can happen contrary to your plan. But as I said earlier, I have returned to stay. People have longed for my come back. I didn’t ask for the roles in the five movies I mentioned earlier. I was contacted for those roles and I gladly accepted. As we speak, more roles have been offered to me, so it is going to be a very busy year for me.

WM: What words do you have for your fans?

Zainab: Zainab has come back in full gear and their prayers are highly needed. I want to also thank them for believing in my capability to deliver important messages to them through acting. I want to let them know that with my return to the industry, I will continue to do more. They should expect more of Zainab’s best acts that will change lives for better.