Moving on in life
Life can be difficult. People are always looking for an influence, that is, someone to look up to or someone to emulate. You can set the example by being the person that people want to be like. Getting rid of the past may be the hardest thing you can do, but consider the cost of […]

Life can be difficult. People are always looking for an influence, that is, someone to look up to or someone to emulate. You can set the example by being the person that people want to be like. Getting rid of the past may be the hardest thing you can do, but consider the cost of maintaining its existence. Some events that happened in someone’s life recently made her to realise that a mind polluted with pain is not only counterproductive, but can sometimes be dangerous given the wrong person and situation. A hurtful past surfaces subconsciously, if not properly let go. Consciously, you are the only person who can detect and determine what pain you carry with you.
The more you learn to move on, the more complete your worldview becomes. You can do this by learning about other cultures around the world. This will help you to see how others live and think about the world, and also help you to have a more balanced vantage point of accepting to move on. Anything relating to psychology and sociology are also very good topics to learn how to better relate with others and understand more of their motivations and actions. Beside academic subjects, seek to learn more about the people around you.
Don’t feel shy to ask questions even when they may sound stupid. So, ask good questions to find out how people feel, what makes them tick and why they have not allowed their past experiences to ruin their present and future. In fact, letting go of a broken past is extremely helpful in one’s future. It cannot be denied that this process cannot be achieved overnight. Working on these memories and coming to terms with them can take years. Being determined to move on to face better challenges is very important. As each past event diminishes from your memory, you’ll realise that the pains become lighter, and you’re able to start moving more freely from your present to the future.
We all know how difficult it is to move on, but you should not let the past haunt you or be a cloud that hangs over your everyday life. Every time you recall your bitter past, you bring it to life again to put you down. In this process of moving on, try also to look at yourself with brutal honesty. The start of the journey may be bumpy at times, but the results can be very rewarding.
It is important to move on because hurtful past events can bring melancholy, heartache, depression, amnesia which can also lead to destructive behaviour in your life. That is why moving on and allowing a new chapter in your life is so important to your well-being. This is not an easy task and won’t happen overnight, but in time, you can let the negative feelings from past events go and learn to live in the moment. Life can be without much pain, betrayal and suffering when you learn to move on.
It is very important therefore to emphasise the need to understand what our values and belief systems are based upon. If you have no belief system, you’ll tend to waver in life without clear direction of the reason why you must move on. Once your belief system is firmly in place, you are more able to make decisions based on that. By understanding this, forgiving yourself or others who may have hurt you is the key to moving forward without holding back.
If you have a bad self-image and see the world negatively based on your experience, it will adversely affect you and those around you. Your quality of life will be diminished. Think of all the positive things about yourself presently and be closer to those who correct your mistakes and still encourage you. You have value and worth. Set goals for yourself. Seek support through friends, friendly colleagues and family. Find things to look forward to. Allow yourself to have fun and move forward.
Always learn from the past either ways, because it will help to prevent you from making the same mistake twice. Avoid anything that will make you suffer the second time. Watch your steps and take bolder decisions. We all agree that one does not need to bury one’s past. We should talk to somebody that we can trust and confide in. It helps to improve us. We should avoid people who will always see the worst in us and try to empty whatever anger or regrets we have.
You can cry as much as you want and feel the hurt, loss and pain. Experience everything fully, suffer from all of it, let it go and rid your heart of it. Ask God for help if you believe in God, ask friends for help, shout and then move on. Always avoid focusing on negative past events, but rejoice in the pleasures of the present and embrace the joy in every present moment.