Much ado about hijab in public schools

The recent noise across the country, especially in the Southwest of Nigeria, about the use or disuse of hijab is uncalled for. Let this madness of seeking to ban what is part and parcel of an internationally accepted creed stop henceforth. Let every Nigerians girl be allowed to dress in public and private schools according […]

Much ado about hijab in public schools
Much ado about hijab in public schools

The recent noise across the country, especially in the Southwest of Nigeria, about the use or disuse of hijab is uncalled for. Let this madness of seeking to ban what is part and parcel of an internationally accepted creed stop henceforth. Let every Nigerians girl be allowed to dress in public and private schools according to what is obtainable in the constitution. The Muslims girls of Nigeria are entitled to freedom of worship, just like other children of diverse faiths. What is wrong in wearing the hijab to school or anywhere the girls choose to be. Does it harm anyone’s sight or existence? Does it take away anything from anyone around the girl? Or is it just another concealed devise to fight Islam? And if the last be the reason, then it is a war to finish because no man can change a divine instruction or win a war against God’s will.
Hijab is part of a Muslim female dress code. Historically, it is also a dress code that was practiced by the earlier followers of Prophet Jesus whose mother is today donned in Christians in that attire. Just wondering why wearing Hijab is a problem to Christians.
The entire quarrel over the hijab is routed to the hatred of Christians to it. But why the hatred and opposition to hijab? There are serious issues that demand the attention of Nigerian individuals and organizations. CAN, as a very responsible and responsive organ that defends the interest of Christians in Nigeria, should engage the government or perceived individual that tramples on their fundamental rights headlong.
It baffles one that CAN went to court to stop Muslim children from dressing according to the demand of their religion which does not harm anybody. It is more baffling that the judge who is supposed to be learned about the constitution of Nigeria – lawyers being the only learned men, will entertain such case and give unjustifiable judgment. And funny enough, lawyers went to court to argue what is like the day and night. They are Muslim and Christian private schools which have specific dress codes or uniforms. They teach their religions to the full. But in public school which is for every child, no one should be denied. After all, there is no internationally recognized dress code for Christians, save the nuns and Reverend fathers. Christian children dress more western than religious. Except if western dress code is Christian, people should be enlightened.
Nigeria being a secular state does that infer the infringement on fundamental rights of citizens whose freedom to lawful associations and religions is guaranteed in the constitution.
Rather than fight the hijab which was the dress code of earlier Christians, CAN should preach its adoption to reflect its attachment to Christendom. Nuns dress the same way. It is pertinent to say this because Christians in Nigeria have been trying to adjust theirs to equal the Muslims. A typical example is the formation, like the Muslims, of organized trips to their holy lands.

Muhammad Ajah, Abuja