Muslim-Americans raise money for victims in US train attack

Islamic groups have raised nearly half-a-million dollars for the families of the men killed in Portland, Oregon while trying to defend Muslim women from a racist attack. Taliesin Myrddin Namkai-Meche and Ricky John Best were fatally stabbed and another man was seriously injured after they attempted to help two teenage girls who were being racially […]

Muslim-Americans raise money for victims in US train attack

Islamic groups have raised nearly half-a-million dollars for the families of the men killed in Portland, Oregon while trying to defend Muslim women from a racist attack.

Taliesin Myrddin Namkai-Meche and Ricky John Best were fatally stabbed and another man was seriously injured after they attempted to help two teenage girls who were being racially abused on a train last week.

In the aftermath of the attack the Muslim Education Trust and CelebrateMercy, started a crowd-funding campaign for the victims in order to “respond to hate with love”.

The initial target for the campaign was set at $60,000 (£46,500), in order to cover the funeral costs for Mr Best and Mr Namkai-Meche. It was raised in just five hours.

After the fundraising drive massively exceeded this target, organisers said they will use the rest of the funds for long term expenses, such as supporting Mr Best’s four children through college. 

(UK Independent)