Muslim MP says she fears she will be killed during debate

Muslim MPs have spoken out about the shocking levels of hatred they experience during a debate on Islamophobia. Labour’s Naz Shah accused the Government of supporting a “pernicious form of racism” by a rejecting a widely accepted definition of Islamophobia. Ms Shah said the party was “not serious about the safety and security of British […]

Muslim MP says she fears she will be killed during debate

Muslim MP says she fears she will be killed during debate

Muslim MPs have spoken out about the shocking levels of hatred they experience during a debate on Islamophobia.

Labour’s Naz Shah accused the Government of supporting a “pernicious form of racism” by a rejecting a widely accepted definition of Islamophobia.

Ms Shah said the party was “not serious about the safety and security of British Muslims”.

She said she feared for her own safety and wondered if she would be killed – as she spoke out about the threats made against her.

She said she had received threats saying people would “string her up”. Another person wrote “I hope you see your children dead in your arms”

One vile comment said: “You don’t deserve life… You are pure evil and your clock is ticking.”

Ms Shah spoke in a back bench debate on Islamophobia – which came after the government said it would reject the definition supported by the All Party Parliamentary Group on Islamophobia.

She said: “If it is down to women to define the experience of feminism, the experiences of people of colour to define racism, the experience of Jews to define anti-Semitism, the experience of the LGBTQ+ communities to define homophobia, I ask the minister how dare, he tell the British Muslims that our experiences cannot define Islamophobia.

“If that isn’t a pernicious form of racism then what is it?”