Muslim Ummah capable of funding Qur’an Convention – Sheikh Bala Lau
The national leader of the Jama’atu Izalatul Bid’ah Wa Iqamatus Sunnah (JIBWIS), Sheikh Abdullahi Bala Lau, in this interview, spoke on the controversy over the sponsorship of a planned Quran Convention. Speaking shortly after a special lecture (Muhadara) at the JIBWIS national secretariat in Abuja within the week, the Islamic leader boasted that the Muslim […]

sheikh bala lau
The national leader of the Jama’atu Izalatul Bid’ah Wa Iqamatus Sunnah (JIBWIS), Sheikh Abdullahi Bala Lau, in this interview, spoke on the controversy over the sponsorship of a planned Quran Convention. Speaking shortly after a special lecture (Muhadara) at the JIBWIS national secretariat in Abuja within the week, the Islamic leader boasted that the Muslim Ummah had the financial resources to organise the convention.
Can you summarise some of the key points of your Muhadara on the planned Qur’an Convention?
The forthcoming Qur’an Convention on February 22 is all about the presentation of the Holy Qur’an, where reciters and memorisers will come together under one umbrella and leadership of the Sultan of Sokoto. This conference or convention is organised by the Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs in Nigeria. All the Islamic organisations were invited; and we are part of it.
So, we think it is obligatory upon us to tell our teeming viewers and followers that this is the mission which is to bring all the reciters and memorisers of the Holy Qur’an through Tsangaya and those who memorised through Musabaka.
We realised that no avenue brings them together to understand each other, to present papers and awareness even though we all have a common goal to achieve, which is that the Qur’an is only one; our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is one; we are facing one Qibla; we have one book, one ummah; then how are we going to come together?
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In my organisation, if we want to organise anything, we have many ways of sending messages to our followers. But as long as there is unity, we want to have the unity of the Muslim Ummah; and this is paramount. The Sultan is going to lead. He called upon us and we accepted. We are part and parcel of this programme.
But there are lots of misconception about this gathering; why?
Politicians came in and people thought the convention was organised by the government. It is not true. I told you who organised it; we are Islamic organisations.
Where were you when we intervened on the issue of Niger Republic and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)? Is it not scholars that came together and intervened and peaceful coexistence reigned between Nigeria and Niger? That intervention means a lot; it created a lot of awareness between Nigeria and Niger and brought a lot of change.
So, for us as Islamic scholars, we feel it is mandatory and obligatory upon us to have a place where the gap between those who recite the Holy Qur’an and memorise it through Tsangaya and those who memorise it through Musabaka and learn more about Tajweed would be bridged. We want to close this gap so that they can come together and understand each other; and at the end of the day, papers will be presented.
How do you intend to fund this event?
The Muslim Ummah can fund it. I even said that under our organisation we have more than 15,000 Jumu’ah mosques and if we say that every mosque should contribute N10,000 and you multiply it by 15,000, how much is it going to be?
There are lots of well-wishers who want to contribute as a way of putting their wealth into the cause of Allah. So the Muslim Ummah has the means and ways of bringing contributions through this kind of gathering.
Many Nigerians insist that there is likely a sole sponsor for the event; what do you think?
There is no sole sponsor for this programme. People are just saying what they want, but as far as we are concerned, we want your contributions. Please bring your contributions and I will bring my own.
Do you think the Muslim Ummah cannot sponsor this kind of programme? If this programme is going to cost N1 billion or N2 billion, under the JIBWIS, in a month we will be able to raise up to N600 million or N1 billion. What do you think about other organisations? Can they not do it? Even if the government wants to take part and contribute, who will say no? Are we not part of the government? We brought the government to power, so we have the right to ask the government to sponsor or present assistance since they want peace and harmony to reign in Nigeria.
Why is this event coming at a time of immense hardship in the country?
It is not about hardship, there are other conferences held during this period. Why can’t we hold this convention? The period of hardship is a time you create awareness so that the Muslim Ummah will understand. The hardship comes from who? From Allah; and if you find yourself in pleasure, it comes from who? From Allah. So, it comes back to Allah. We need to continue to recite the Holy Qur’an and propagate the oneness of Allah. And if you believe in Allah, he will do a lot for you.