Mustapha Dangi: Ten years after

Dangi’s death has remained the family’s lowest moment, given the large vacuum that was created by his exit. In fact, death first appeared in its raw form to my family with the demise of our most beloved uncle. Ten years after, the memories are still as fresh as ever and they shall remain ever green […]

Mustapha Dangi: Ten years after
Mustapha Dangi: Ten years after

Dangi’s death has remained the family’s lowest moment, given the large vacuum that was created by his exit. In fact, death first appeared in its raw form to my family with the demise of our most beloved uncle.

Ten years after, the memories are still as fresh as ever and they shall remain ever green because he led a remarkable life. He still enters into our consciousness via the legacies he left and the testimonies from people we come across almost on daily basis. Today, I feel obliged to celebrate and share with the world the exemplary life he lived and the legacies he left behind. Indeed, he left behind a very rich memory full of love, affection and admiration by even those who never met him. He lived such a remarkable life that he has remained virtually alive in our memories and our hearts grow heavier with love for him with each day that follows his passage, for it is with his absence that the world around us has truly come to appreciate the values he stood for. He left an indelible mark in the sands of time.

On the domestic front, he was a role model. He had an excellent relationship with his siblings, children and the whole members of our extended family. He never on any account discriminates between his biological children and those of his siblings or any member of our extended family. His commitment to the unity of the extended family has remained our pillar and source of happiness. We grew up to emulate the spirit of oneness he instilled in the family and it is still keeping us going. He taught us the importance and value of family relation. I remember how as boys we always looked forward to holidays from school in order to converge at his residence in Kano. It was always a re-union of sorts for the members of the family and even their friends. Those were memorable moments in our lives that we will live forever to cherish. He always created opportunities for the extended family members to always keep in touch. He was an excellent leader in the family. His love for the family actually inspired naming his company as ‘’DANGI’’ which literally means relatives in Hausa. The core of his preaching was to appreciate the value of education.  His encouragements in moral and financial terms ease the educational needs of all around him. He gave us very sound moral upbringing through his words and practical approach to life. Alhaji, as we fondly called him, was a motivator and counselor of outstanding pedigree. His greatest strength was in his value of the human race, particularly, his extended family.

On the business cycle, he was a rare kind and an unusual enigma. His altruistic approach to business is worthy of emulation and his story should serve as a source of inspiration to our teeming unemployed population. From scratch, he established the first major pharmaceutical company in Northern Nigeria. In fact, the name ‘’Dangi’’ is synonymous to pharmaceutical business in this part of the country. Many pharmaceutical businesses in the North owe their origin to his selfless and ingenious inspiration. His ingenuity in the business cycle as well as generosity which was evident through the Company’s corporate social responsibility earned the company ‘’the golden mercury of Africa award for distinguished contributions to African economic development’’ by the Voice of Africa International, London in the year 1986. His relationship with staff of the company was also exemplary. They were his friends and allies because he took care of their needs like a family affair. He made them so comfortable around him.

Alhaji’s philanthropic gestures were not restricted to the business cycle. He was the real man of the people. His generosity was to a fault. He didn’t live in isolation and was never individualistic in his approach to life. His simplicity and humility are unequalled. He worked and dined with all classes of people. He was the rallying point of the Nupes and the entire Nigerlites living in Kano. He was a self-appointed ambassador of Nigerlites and indeed the downtrodden. He played host to most Nigerlites coming into the ancient city of Kano. More importantly is the degree with which he gained acceptance from his host community (Kano). He related with the high and mighty in the ancient city (From the royal family to the business community and even the state’s technocrats).  He was a special gift to the human race.  People who met Alhaji would always remember him as a humble, patient and kind-hearted gentleman who devoted his life to bettering the lots of people around him. He took seriously into identifying with the best of virtues by being there for all and sundry at all times. He was so many things to different people but the common thing he was to everybody was loving and generous.

You have not lived until you have done something for someone who can never repay you. Indeed, the world around him owes a lot to his generosity and ingenuity that they can never repay. He was a diamond in the rough, a blessing bestowed upon humanity by Allah, the glue that bonded so many together, a light that refused to dim even when surrounded by overwhelming darkness. You are dearly missed and shall never be forgotten and while he is no longer with us, his spirit and virtues shall continue to permeate and endure.

It is said that ‘’ in our exploit of the privilege of living, all that matters is not how long we live but how well’’. The success of Alhaji’s life is not in terms of the time he spent in this world or his riches but the indelible mark he had on all that came across him. He was an Angel and a very caring and wonderful uncle. We love him so dearly and the memories and legacies shall live on through the lives he touched. He lived a full life and positively touched so many and left so many wonderful memories. His enthusiasm for life, a charitable heart, kindness and love for fellow humans, his positive attitude and strength of character even in the face of overwhelming odds will be a candle that will forever shine brightly in our lives.

To the world, we still raise our heads high and to our Lord Almighty, we shall forever remain grateful for the light He brought to our family through my most beloved uncle; a light which has refuse to dim ten years after his departure from this world and is still our source of happiness.

Everybody has a hero; an idol or someone they admire, my late uncle is without any doubt the hero of my life. May he continue to rest in peace.

Abdullahi wrote in from Kano State