MWL forum highlights moderate approach of Islam

A number of muftis of Arab and Islamic countries and key Islamic figures in the world, and guests of the Muslim World League (MWL) for this year’s Hajj season have lauded King Salman’s efforts in serving and defending Islamic causes. They also appreciated his generous stances in re-opening Al-Aqsa Mosque and highlighting the moderate approach […]

MWL forum highlights moderate approach of Islam

A number of muftis of Arab and Islamic countries and key Islamic figures in the world, and guests of the Muslim World League (MWL) for this year’s Hajj season have lauded King Salman’s efforts in serving and defending Islamic causes.

They also appreciated his generous stances in re-opening Al-Aqsa Mosque and highlighting the moderate approach and cultural dimension of Islam through the establishment of the King Salman Centre for Global Peace, the Global Centre for Combating Extremist Ideology (GCCEI) and the Saudi Ideological War Centre (IWC).

This came in a final statement following their participation in the Hajj forum which was organized by the MWL in Mina titled “Moderation and tolerance in Islam … texts and facts.”

Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah Al-Asheikh stressed that moderation, justice and tolerance are key features reflected by Islam and Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Al-Asheikh said one of the manifestations of moderation in Islam is what is described as qualities of goodness, nobility, tenderness, justice, fairness, mercy, brotherhood, love, renunciation of unjustified violence and aggression, advocacy of forgiveness of wrong doers, patience, and charity and mercy to others.

He said all Muslims have to show the bright side of Islam by behaving with virtuous Islamic ethics, showing good treatment, demonstrating tenderness, speaking good words, correlating words with deeds, observing honesty in financial and commercial transactions, among others.

Al-Asheikh called on scholars, preachers, intellectuals and writers to show the side of moderation and tolerance in Islam through their deeds and words, in writing and contributing to mass media, and through the Internet and social media and other available means to remove that which has hidden the reality of Islam to allow everyone sees the virtues of this religion.

The participants affirmed that moderation and tolerance in Islam are key pillars of the religion, adding that any deviation comes from ignorance, error or deviant ideas. 

Moderation and tolerance were clear features of the Islamic nation throughout its long history in line with the Holy Qur’an and Sunnah, and in the footsteps of good men of the nation in the face of anomaly of ideas and visions on Islam.

They said Islam with its balanced moderation, good values, fair provisions, comprehensive systems, and unique cultural experiences is capable of providing solutions to chronic problems of human communities and saving them from their moral and social degradation.

They also called for the encouragement of conducting research and studies that originate the principles of moderation and tolerance in Islam, and their spread among civilizations, and refute suspicious ideas of extremists who carry deviant ideas that run counter to Islamic jurisprudence and objectives of the Islamic Shariah. (Arabnews)