My advice to President Muhammadu Buhari

About a week ago millions of Nigerians went out to renew the president’s mandate for another four years.  I was elated by his victory at the polls. It was indeed a referendum on integrity and a victory for Nigeria and the entire Nigerians. It was an overwhelming resolve by Nigerians to move to the NextLevel. […]

My advice to President Muhammadu Buhari

President Muhammadu Buhari

About a week ago millions of Nigerians went out to renew the president’s mandate for another four years.  I was elated by his victory at the polls. It was indeed a referendum on integrity and a victory for Nigeria and the entire Nigerians. It was an overwhelming resolve by Nigerians to move to the NextLevel.

As an ardent supporter who wants the president to be successful, I have decided to mention some areas where he can focus on for the nation to move forward.

I will like the president to appoint sound technocrats and professionals as ministers. Also, all heads of agencies should be appointed based on merit and competence.  More opportunities should be given to youths. There is need for a Think tank for the government, so as to serve as guide.  The kitchen cabinet should also be rejigged.

I urge the president to formulate policies that will benefit his constituencies, which are the poor masses.

There is need for a more formidable take off this time around to have a remarkable first 100 days in office. Cabinet formation should be done as soon as the tenure commences. I also feel there is a need to break and realign some ministries such Power, Works & Housing, so as to improve efficiency and service delivery. The government should embark on reforms, as that is the only way the current leadership can leave behind lasting legacies.  The so called cabal should be disbanded if at all it exists, to give Nigerians more confidence in the government.

Furthermore, I call on the president to start grooming someone with similar ideals and principles to help sustain his achievements when the time comes.  All said, I wish the president the best as he works to improve the country.

Hauwa Umar Aliyu can be reached at: [email protected]