‘My love for creativity made me drop Economics for souvenir, bag making’

Tell us a little about yourself?My name is Mrs Olaleye Modupe Victory. I graduated from University of Ilorin in 2010 where I studied Economics Education but presently I am into bag making. I am into the business because I don’t want to remain idle. I want something of my own although my driving force has […]

‘My love for creativity made me drop Economics for souvenir, bag making’
‘My love for creativity made me drop Economics for souvenir, bag making’

Tell us a little about yourself?
My name is Mrs Olaleye Modupe Victory. I graduated from University of Ilorin in 2010 where I studied Economics Education but presently I am into bag making. I am into the business because I don’t want to remain idle. I want something of my own although my driving force has been my love and passion for creativity.
When did you start the business?
I started the business in September 2013. When I started, I was using my sewing machine at home to sew bags and souvenirs but in August this year, I opened a shop from where I operate now.
In specific terms, what items do you make?
The items I make include: handbags, purses, travelling bags, school bags, shopping bags, cosmetic bags, clipper bags and Bible bags among others.
Where did you learn how to make souvenirs?     
I learnt the work from Princess Bags at Ilorin in Kwara State in 2012.
What was your ambition as a child or when you were in school?                                       
My ambition as a child was to be a chartered accountant but it never came to pass because I got admitted to study Economics Education. After my NYSC, I got a teaching job in Ilorin but because I had interest in creative works, I decided to register for bag making for one year. When I close from school, I go to where I was learning the work on a daily basis until I became a master myself.
Would you describe the business as lucrative?             
Yes, the business is lucrative because people, especially women, will always use bags. It is just the design that will be changing; so it is a profitable business. Also, I will not be wrong to say the business is seasonal especially the souvenirs, it booms more towards end of the year when we have more weddings and other celebrations.
Where do you buy materials for making your bags and souvenir?
Now that I am in Kaduna, I buy my materials from Kaduna Central market.
What have you been able to achieve in this business?
The business has helped me in taking care of my family, though we are still growing.
What does a starter need to go into your kind of business?
After learning the skill, a starter needs a sewing machine, scissors, tape rule, thread, leather materials and its accessories among others. A starter also needs to be dedicated to the work so as to know it well and be able to create new designs that will attract customers.
How many people do you have in your employ?
For now, I have one apprentice and she works; so, she comes only in the afternoon or whenever she is not on duty.
How much do you make on the average on a monthly basis from your business and do you have regret doing what you are doing?
On the average, I make a profit of about N15, 000 per month because I have just started the business and also the location of my shop too is a challenge because I have not been known by many people. On whether I have regrets, I don’t have any regret. I believe growth in business is a gradual process and it takes determination, commitment and consistency to make it in any business.
What is your dream for this business?
I want my business to grow big, to become a big industry that will be known both within and outside Nigeria. I also desire to become an employer of labour. Actually when I came to Kaduna, I visited a company where bags are made called Bezeleel Bags and I saw what they were doing. I made up my mind that I want to grow my business to surpass that level by the grace of God.
How is your knowledge of Economics helping your business and would you take up a white collar job if you were offered one today?
The knowledge of Economics is helping me to know how to utilise my resources to generate more income. I would not like to stop this business but I can add a federal government job to it because I am still working on my career.
What is your advice to unemployed graduates out there?
My advice to unemployed graduates is that there is always something they can do with their hands without necessarily waiting for white collar jobs. They should think of what they can do for themselves and not what government can do for them. Federal Government on its own part can tackle the problem of unemployment by organising training on entrepreneurship and vocational training for youths and by giving them financial assistance to start up businesses.