My love pledge

‘Check out my hairdo!’ I asked of Tahir, the moment I sat on the edge of the bed next to him. ‘It’s lovely, so nice and intricate. You haven’t done braids this beautiful in a long time.’ He observed, smiling.  ‘Now, check out my hands.’ I said, holding them out for him to see.  ‘Oh […]

My love pledge
My love pledge

‘Check out my hairdo!’ I asked of Tahir, the moment I sat on the edge of the bed next to him.

‘It’s lovely, so nice and intricate. You haven’t done braids this beautiful in a long time.’ He observed, smiling. 

‘Now, check out my hands.’ I said, holding them out for him to see. 

‘Oh yes, they look good too. The henna looks really nice on your fingers. I was surprised when I passed by your room this afternoon and LB told me you had gone into your bathroom to wash the henna she did for you. I had no idea LB can do something this beautiful. You look really bridal right now. So what’s the occasion?’ He asked.

‘This,’ I said holding out my phone to him so he can hear the song playing on YouTube.

“I’d do anything for you, your wish is my command;

I can move the mountains when your hand is in my hand;

Words cannot express how much you mean to me; 

There must be some other way to make you see;

If it takes my heart and soul, you know I’ll pay the price; 

Everything that I possess I’d gladly sacrifice;

Oh, you to me are everything, the sweetest song that I can sing oh baby;

To you I guess I’m just a clown who picked you up and sat you down oh baby…’

‘Wow, nice love song’ Tahir said, looking up from the video ‘just the way you like them.’  He added.

‘So today it isn’t ‘just the way we like them’? Why am I taking this alone?’ I asked in mock anger. 

‘Well, mainly because I don’t know this song. Did we ever share it at some point in time?’ He asked.

‘No hubby dear, I found this song on CTV 67 in Kano, long before I ever heard of you. I was in secondary school then and probably some producer or programme’s coordinator, on the channel, loved this song because it was always being played as musical interlude. The singers were never shown because it was an audio record that was being played. But I fell for it so much that I found myself cramming every word of it. 

The years went by and I met and married you and I never once heard this love song anywhere again. Suddenly, a few days ago, my friend Hadiza took me down memory lane when she sent me a WhatsApp video of the Whispers at a concert in the 1980s. When I opened it to watch, many other old songs appeared below. For some reason I remembered ‘You to me are everything’ and searched for it. It turned out the singers were a group called ‘The Real Thing’. The song was released in 1976, long before CTV came into being in 1981. 

It felt like running into an old friend. So after listening to it a few times, I decided it’s just what I needed to extend my love pledge to you today.’ I concluded.

‘Your love pledge Bint? Why?’ He asked in surprise.’

Yes Tahir. I’ve heard that these days husbands have all grown scared. The recent attacks by  young wives, some even resulting in fatalities, have made some men paranoid about their domestic safety. I’m not sure you are one of those scared ones, but just in case you are, I decided to pledge safe, secure and undying love for you. But for that I need the right wordings. And since this song says about everything I’d like to pledge, I felt there was no need to say anything else. The idea is when you listen to this old song, imagine that I’m the one saying all these things to you and feel assured that no harm will come your way.’ I declared.’

How nice of you Wifey dearest, I am greatly moved by your concern for my peace of mind; especially since it was packaged in this romantic gesture. I appreciate the lovely hair style and the captivating henna.’ He replied, touching my fingertips, where the henna is and the tip of my weaved braids. ‘But you know the problem with these recent tragedies is that other women were involved. Now I am not saying that I am about to start chasing women, but if there is another woman in the picture, will you stand by your pledge to love and keep me safe and secure? Remember this is just a hypothesis.’ He added, quickly.

‘Yes I know, but believe me if there is another woman in the picture, I have the choice to stay if I can bear it or to leave if I feel that I can’t. But take it from me that I will never harm you in the process, in sha Allah.’ I pledged. 

To be continued.