My new Nigerian prison

I am worried that she doubts her capacity to provide food for her husband if he ever gets to prison. This says a lot about the state of our prisons. Our prisons are a terrible place for anyone to be in. I have visited Nigerian prisons and it is not a place anyone should be […]

My new Nigerian prison
My new Nigerian prison

I am worried that she doubts her capacity to provide food for her husband if he ever gets to prison. This says a lot about the state of our prisons. Our prisons are a terrible place for anyone to be in. I have visited Nigerian prisons and it is not a place anyone should be in. Even just writing about it, I can feel the dreariness and perceive the pungent smells.
Before I proceed let me just say that observing Patience Jonathan on the campaign trail recently has made me wonder if I should not just swallow my pride and get married. Everyone needs a partner like Patience Jonathan: someone who can shamelessly defend you in public. I have friends, but they only defend you when it will not make them look bad. Once they have something to lose they politely pretend they have been struck by lightning and can’t speak up for you. But Patience is different. She opens her mouth and loyalty for Goodluck Jonathan just oozes out. It is impressive. I need a Patience in my life.
I think that somehow the fear of imprisonment should at least make those in power think seriously about decongesting and upgrading prisons. If Jonathan had decongested and renovated prisons, his wife would not be petrified of jail. I suspect that President Jonathan watches only Africa Magic. Because if he watched nice foreign films and TV series like Prison Break or Shawshank Redemption, he would have seen how nice their prisons are and extended his transformation agenda there.
If I become president I will make sure that all our prisons (except where rapists and child molesters are) have point-and-kill on the menu at least once every week. That, and things like banga soup on Sundays. Patience Jonathan has nothing to fear. She will not need to cook if I am president. I cannot speak for Buhari, but I have a plan to ensure all prisoners have a balanced diet with fruits, vegetables and all.
My plan is also to have a gym in the prison. I saw one of Jonathan’s campaign ads where he showed himself to be a guy who likes to work out. Our prisons currently do not have any provision for someone like Jonathan. My plan is to change all of that.
When I visited prison, I asked the head if there was any provision for conjugal visits. He responded with an emphatic no. “It is prison!” he reminded me. Prisoners don’t have such rights. No wonder Patience Jonathan is afraid of Buhari. Imagine being in prison for like 10 years and not being able to have physical relations with one’s spouse. That kind of frustration can lead to further crime. As president I will make sure that every prisoner (except for sex offenders), has conjugal visits at least twice a month. We will provide beds and rooms for that purpose. We will even have plus-size beds for people who are on the big side. Nothing will be left to chance in this new Nigerian prison.
There is only one week to the elections. The Americans sent one of their officials to speak to the Presidential candidates. Instead of speaking to all the candidates, he chose to speak just to Jonathan and Buhari. This is not right. It feels like the rigging has already begun with America. Are they trying to say to the world that the rest who want to be president are not important? America is like those aunties who would buy gifts for your siblings and not for you. They want us to fight amongst ourselves. I am protesting this action of the Americans by boycotting some of their very important products that have found their way to Nigeria. Like Jerry Springer and Kim Kardashian.
PS. I am serious. I am looking for my Patience. Someone who will unconditionally defend all my inadequacies before man and God. If you see someone that fits, email me. Thanks.