My school, White Dove Academy

I was so excited to hear the news that I had passed my common entrance examination. My father got me admitted into White Dove Academy in Suleja Niger State after I wrote my examination and the school accepted me. There, a very kind and successful woman, Mrs. Ironkwe Glory, advised me on how to cope […]

My school, White Dove Academy

I was so excited to hear the news that I had passed my common entrance examination. My father got me admitted into White Dove Academy in Suleja Niger State after I wrote my examination and the school accepted me. There, a very kind and successful woman, Mrs. Ironkwe Glory, advised me on how to cope in the school. The Principal promptly told me to come to the school on Monday. I was so nervous when I arrived the school. I met new people, most of them kind and intelligent, but some neither here nor there.
 One of my favourite teachers in the school is our Form Teacher in JSS2. He is very kind, friendly and intelligent. Although he beats us sometimes, it is always because we did something wrong. Although the school can be stressful at times, it’s still a fun place to learn. I love all the teachers and students.
My second favourite teacher in the school is my mathematics teacher. Although mathematics is hard, our teacher always tries to make everybody understand.
We often have our school sports day on Thursdays every week, except during examination period.
On such days we play volleyball, basketball, table tennis, lawn tennis, and football.  I personally prefer playing lawn tennis because it is a very funny and easy game to play and it is a very good form of exercise.
The junior secondary students always wear blue jeans and jacket with a blue and white long sleeve shirt with white hijab, socks and sandals and the senior secondary students wear suits with black hijab and black shoes.  The clothes are worn every day from Monday to Wednesday.
On Thursday, we wear a black and white track suit and on Fridays we wear a shirt. The shirts are of different sizes and colors. We have red, green, blue and purple and, of course, we wear the shirt with blue jeans. We are taught the following subjects:  Mathematics, English
language, Home economics, Business studies, Social studies, Basic technology, Physical and  health education, Islamic studies, Computer science, Basic science, Agricultural science, Fine art, Hausa, Civic education and French.
 Our vision is to create an enabling environment for the Nigerian child to cherish our diversity, respect each other’s belief, ethnicity and character. Today, White Dove Academy is culturally diverse with students and pupils drawn from every part of Nigeria, hence our motto learning in diversity and our mission is to create truly patriotic Nigerian future leaders of public institutions and business communities by nurturing our children in the right environment that cherish diversity and respect for personal belief, ethnics and cultural differences.
 Our school is a boarding and day school, but I am in day school. The boarding school is also good, but I prefer the day school, because I can still be close to my parents. The boarding students leave the school the same time as the day students, but they are taken to their hostel by the matrons.
Some of the readers might say that I am advertising our school, but to say the truth I am happy to share how happy I am in my school, so share how you feel about your own school. I love and adore my school.
 This essay is part of a project conducted by Daily Trust, where students write about their schools.