My styles are risky, adventerous – Tessy Oliseh-Amaize

Why did you decide to become a fashion designer?I didn’t decide to become a fashion designer. It was a calling. I was born with it. I doubt that I could have been anything else other than a fashion designer. Being the only girl in the house also contributed to nurturing that inborn passion. What is […]

My styles are risky, adventerous – Tessy Oliseh-Amaize
My styles are risky, adventerous – Tessy Oliseh-Amaize

Why did you decide to become a fashion designer?
I didn’t decide to become a fashion designer. It was a calling. I was born with it. I doubt that I could have been anything else other than a fashion designer. Being the only girl in the house also contributed to nurturing that inborn passion.

What is the favourite thing about being a fashion designer?
When I see my clients wear my clothes with all joy and happiness and seeing the smiles on their faces, it makes me feel great and fulfilled to be a fashion designer.

Where do you get inspirations for your designs?
My major inspiration is from God. I also easily draw inspiration from nature. And of course, as you know, nature is the creative work of God.

Having worked with several materials what are the most difficult material to work with?
From my experience, silk and chiffon can be difficult based on the design in question because some designs can be very complicated and you can only use silk and chiffon to work with them. A good example is a draped flowing dress.

What top designers have you worked with so far in your career?
After my degree in the UK, I had a stint with Gharani Strok and worked with Fashion Forum in Kent. Back home in Nigeria, I have showcased my designs at several fashion shows from Nigeria Fashion Week to Stars on The Runway, Nigeria Model Awards, Encomium Black and White Ball alongside top Nigerian designers like Modela, Zizi Cardow among others.

Tell us about your fashion design debut?
I was fresh from school and that was in 2006 at the Nigeria Fashion Show in Paris and interestingly, I won the Best Fashion Designer at that event.

What is the most exciting milestone for your company?
For me, that would simply be seeing the brand grow from nothing to a brand that has created job opportunities not just for Nigerians but other African nationals across West Africa. It can’t be better than that. Also, when you understand that where you are now has taken the grace of God considering that not all who started the race have been able to come this far, you just look back and be grateful to God.

Has having a popular name ‘Oliseh’ in anyway opened doors for you in your career?
(Laughing) I think the biggest name I have had in this journey is Baba God. I prefer to leave it at that.

What is it like being in the industry especially in Nigeria?
It’s very challenging knowing that there are many factors you have to contend with as a young entrepreneur. You have to worry about manpower, about electricity, getting the right materials in terms of fabrics, trims, re-inventing yourself because fashion is dynamic and constantly on the move. On the issue of manpower, it could be sometimes difficult to get the right employees who have the right attitude and capacity for the work. So for me, that remains one of the biggest challenges in the industry.

You have managed to infuse local fabrics with western fabrics. Tell us all about bringing African fabric to the global stage.
I am one person who believes Africa is the next big thing. You can see that reflected in my designs which are usually a fusion of Western and African styles. I believe in always pushing Africa to the world stage.

You seem to be a growing global brand. How do you intend to accommodate the needs of women all over the world who might have different fashion sensibilities?
We have our targets. At the moment, we are concerned about satisfying the immediate environment. We have a phased plan to break into new territories and accommodating the needs of the global market won’t be a problem when that time comes.

How would you describe your personal fashion style?
My personal style is edgy. I’m a risk taker and very adventurous with my style. You can see I wear only one earring. I guess I am the only girl in the world who wears only one earring and I wear it only on the left ear. I buy them in twos but I wear one. The one earring is my most visible trademark. (Laughs).

What in your opinion is the piece of clothing every woman should have in her closet?
(Laughs) A Tesslo LBD and a Tesslo LWD.

In 2006, you won the Best Fashion Designer award in Paris. How has that impacted on who you are today?
Well, it didn’t change my person. I’m still my original self. But it opened and still opens a lot of doors for the business. For this, I give God all the glory.

Your designs are mostly modelled by your husband. Would it be right to say you got two for one as some people claim on social media?
Really? Did they say that? ( Laughing) Aah! I’m so grateful to God for giving me a husband I am very proud of. My husband is a born model. Sometimes he asks me how much I will pay him for modeling my designs and then I ask him how much he will pay for making the designs themselves. It’s fun though and really exciting having a husband who believes in me, believes so much in my dreams, loves what I love and compliments me on all areas. I couldn’t have asked God for anything better.

You say fashion is art, can you explain how so?
Yes, art is creativity at its very finest. Fashion is art because fashion is about putting your imagination to work; it’s about creating something out of nothing. I believe God is the force behind art itself. He created the heavens and the earth in all their beauty and glory, He created man and then became man’s first fashion designer when he clothed Adam and Eve with animal skins in the Garden of Eden.

There is a fashion show coming up, tell us about it and what new designs you will be showcasing?
Yes, it’s the Africa Fashion Week Dubai (AFWD) coming up in December this year. I’m coordinating it as well as showcasing some of my designs at the event. It will serve as a platform to showcase designers across Africa and designers in the Middle East. On what I will be showcasing, I want to keep that as my little secret.

You design for both male and female? Which is more challenging?
Yes I make for both male and female but ladies’ dresses are more tasking due to their body structure and their natural proclivity for elegance!

Any plans for the future? Where do you hope to see Tesslo Concepts in the next five years?
In the next five years, I hope to see Tesslo in major department stores across the world standing side by side with Gucci, Givenchy, Versace, Armani, Prada among others!