NAPPS Unveils 4-year Blueprint

The National Working Committee of National Association of Proprietors of Private Schools (NAPPS NIGERIA) has unveiled a four-year blueprint . The was done during a strategic meeting focused on key initiatives that to drive the association’s mission and goals over the next 4 years(2024-2028). The meeting began with a comprehensive review of the association’s progress […]

NAPPS Unveils 4-year Blueprint

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The National Working Committee of National Association of Proprietors of Private Schools (NAPPS NIGERIA) has unveiled a four-year blueprint .

The was done during a strategic meeting focused on key initiatives that to drive the association’s mission and goals over the next 4 years(2024-2028).

The meeting began with a comprehensive review of the association’s progress over the past years, in terms of members service as key driver of our nation’s educational sector.

NAPPS acknowledged several laurels and landmark contributions of members of our noble Association,in supporting Government efforts in the onerous task of educating the citizenry, as well as the challenges confronting the Association.

The NWC welcomed the strategic vision for the upcoming years,as presented by the association’s National President,Hajia Samira Jibir, emphasizing the importance of innovation, growth, and sustainability.

Further discussions centered on expanding the association’s reach and improving service delivery to members.

Key discussions at the meeting centered around membership growth and Strategies to increase membership, across various regions through targeted programs and enhanced membership benefits.

The need for Advocacy and Policy Influence were also discussed, especially in the light of the recent report of banning under 18 students,from writing NECO, WAEC and JAMB examination.

The NWC of NAPPS Nigeria were of the opinion that policies concerning the education of our children needs to be exhaustively discussed by all Stakeholders, in order to arrive at beneficial decisions in favour of children’s education and total development.

There was a strong emphasis on enhancing educational programs and professional development opportunities for members to strengthen our service delivery, in line with emerging trends in education of the 21st century, necessary to drive our national development.

The NWC harped on the need for members to fulfill their financial obligations to the Association and enjoined all Leaders to be transparent in the allocation of resources to the priority areas, identified during the meeting.

This, it said will ensure that the association’s strategic goals are met efficiently and effectively.

In the area Partnerships and collaborations,the committee charged all leaders of the association to explore more opportunities for partnerships with other organizations,with the aim of amplifying the association’s impact and reach.

The meeting concluded with the adoption of a strategic plan that will guide the association’s activities over the next 4years as presented by Jibir, PhD on behalf of the National Executive Council.

Jibir said: “This strategic planning meeting marks a significant milestone for our Association. We are committed to delivering on our goals and driving positive change for our members.

“The National Secretary, Dr.Kayode Adeyemi and other Stakeholders at the meeting also submitted that the discussions at the strategic planning meeting,has set a strong foundation for the future. I’m excited about the direction we’re headed and the opportunities that lie ahead.”

The National Working Committee will begin the implementation of the strategic plan immediately,after reviewing feedback from members, with regular progress reviews scheduled to ensure that the association stays on track to meet its objectives.