Narcissistic personality and leadership

My article, “Politicians can be Saints” attracted many comments (, May 10, 2015).Some of my readers wondered how a politician could be a Saint. I have heard some politicians say: “I am a politician by divine calling.” This recalls the attitude of the biblical Prophets’ response to the divine call to leadership. For instance, Jeremiah […]

Narcissistic personality and leadership

My article, “Politicians can be Saints” attracted many comments (, May 10, 2015).Some of my readers wondered how a politician could be a Saint. I have heard some politicians say: “I am a politician by divine calling.” This recalls the attitude of the biblical Prophets’ response to the divine call to leadership. For instance, Jeremiah acknowledged his unworthiness (Jeremiah 1). This became an invitation for God to lead the people using the prophet as his instrument. God could still reveal to those who accept their limitations how to manage the affairs of the people in visions and dreams (Numbers 12:6). God remained the strength of the humble in moments of weakness and recession (Daniel 10:17-18). A person who is truly called by God is more concerned in the creation of peace than chaos for selfish ambition (Jeremiah 28:9).
A person who is called by God shares in the mission of God as Priest, Prophet and King. Jesus gives the chosen followers the privilege and capacity to share in his gift of ruling and sanctifying others. A person who is truly called by God does not rule the people with his own power (2 Peter 1:20). He never seeks to glorify himself because he seeks the glory of God (2 Peter 1:21). He comforts and exhorts those he is called to lead (1 Corinthians 14:3-4). He illuminates others with the light of God (Isaiah 8:20). He keeps the laws of God and the constitution of the nation(Isaiah 8:20). It is important to test the spirit of those who claim divine calling because it is not every spirit that calls a person that is Holy (1 John 4:1-3). We must then beware of false and self-proclaimed prophets who are actually wolves but dressed in sheep’s clothing. By their fruits, you shall know them (Matthew 7:15-20).A person called to lead the people is the eye of God and must submit to God in obedience (Isaiah 29:10). He possesses the virtues of patience, integrity, honesty, humility, compassion, tenacity, commitment, boldness, courage, etc.  One way of responding to a divine call is to be docile to the inspiration of God in preparing for the great mission of service.  
Why is it that in our world today, many people perceive politics as a mundane game not fit for decent human beings? Perhaps the world has witnessed too many people with unending thirst and hunger for power and leadership. Some of these people called themselves politicians whereas they are actually people suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). The problem is not that politics is evil or that politicians are sinners, the real problem is that there has not been proper psychological examination of those who have unending desire to rule by all means. If a proper psychological and psychiatric examination is performed on all politically ambitious people, the world will be amazed at the discovery that some of these people are victims of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). The conclusion could read this way: “The candidate was never a politician after all. He was simply an NPD patient. A person with Narcissistic Personality Disorder is self-absolved, egoistic, selfish, conceited, self-loving and feeling of self-importance. People with NDP often believe that they are Messiahs. While this pattern of behaviour may be appropriate for a king in the 16th century, it is not acceptable in a true democratic government.
To identify a patient of NDP, one needs to look out for five or more of the following symptoms in the person: (1) Grandiose sense of self-importance without commensurate achievements. (2) Preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love (3) Belief to be “special” and unique and can only associate with high-status people or institutions. (4) Quest for excessive admiration (5) Demands preferential treatment and high expectations (6) Exploitation of others like taking advantage of others to achieve a selfish ambition. (7)  Lack of empathy by not willing to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others. (8) Envious of others but believes that others are envious of him or her. (9) Arrogant and haughty attitudes. NPD can be diagnosed by a professional psychologist or psychiatrist. There is no laboratory, blood or genetic tests to diagnose narcissistic personality disorder.Treatment of narcissistic personality disorder typically involves long-term psychotherapy(
You can also suspect that a person has NPD because a Narcissist is highly reactive to criticism. He is inordinately self-righteous and defensive and reacts to contrary viewpoints with anger or rage. Somebody is always responsible for his failures such that he never accept his limitations and incompetence. He projects onto others qualities, traits, and behaviours he cannot accept in himself.He is scared of confronting the darkness of his innermost core because his emotional resources are woefully underdeveloped. They end up in a blame game and finger pointing. He has poor interpersonal boundaries and has no regard for the rights of others.He unconsciously views others as “extensions” of himself because he thinks that others exist to serve him (
A Narcissist wants praise, compliments, deference, and expresses envy all the time, and he wants to be told that everything he does is better than what others do. A Narcissist uses other people to get what they want without caring about the cost to the other. He lacks empathy in as much as he is not willing to sympathize with other people’s feelings. He “tunes out” when other people want to talk about their own problems ( This analysis is important to enable our readers differentiate between real politicians who are called and chosen from psychological patients who impose themselves on the people. Some of these patients believe that they must belong to a secret cult, employ thugs, rig elections, kill and destroy to acquire power. The “political” patient talks about power whereas; a real politician wants every vote to count to avert loss of life and property.
Some politicians throughout the ages have displayed great virtue, character, and faith, and some of them have become saints! St. Thomas Morewas a noted lawyer and statesman. He served as a councillor to King Henry VIII and Lord High Chancellor of England from October 1529 to May 1532. He opposed Henry VIII’s divorce from Catherine of Aragorn and would not sign a letter asking Pope Clement VII to annul their marriage. Thomas was imprisoned and then beheaded for his steadfastness to the faith and refusal to give in to an evil political regime. On October 26, 2000, Pope St. John Paul II named him patron saint of politicians and statesmen (
St. Louis IX was King of France from 1226 until his death. He is the patron saint of France and the French monarchy.St. Casmir was the second son of the king of Poland. He was extremely devout and saw the riches that surrounded him as temptations. He preferred to be a light of hope for politics, showing that we must remember to whom the glory actually belongs and whom we serve, placing the glory of God and the good of others before our own glory. St. Margaret is a great example of a “woman behind the man.”  She was able to influence the life of her husband, Malcolm who listened to her advice. She was a very wise first lady. She is credited with softening the temper of her husband. She shows that politics is not all just about policies and power, but also about influencing others to do good( If we are able to distinguish between real politicians who are divinely called and people who called themselves politicians whereas they are NPD patients, then we may come to accept that Politicians can be saints. Otherwise the crisis of leadership in our world will be endless and the people will continue to suffer. On us oh Lord have mercy, and grant us your salvation in those whom you have called to lead.
Fr Cornelius Omonokhua is the Director of Mission and Dialogue of the Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria ([email protected])

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