Nasarawa Lecturer in trouble for beating, stripping lady naked over rift with daughter

Nigerians on microblogging platform, Twitter, are currently attacking a lecturer of the Federal University, Lafia in Nasarawa State, Dr Fred Ekpe Ayokhai, for attacking a lady who reportedly fought his daughter over a man. In videos posted by a tweep, Agatha Akaahar, Ayokhai was seen with his children assaulting and stripping the lady identified as […]

Nasarawa Lecturer in trouble for beating, stripping lady naked over rift with daughter

Nigerians on microblogging platform, Twitter, are currently attacking a lecturer of the Federal University, Lafia in Nasarawa State, Dr Fred Ekpe Ayokhai, for attacking a lady who reportedly fought his daughter over a man.

In videos posted by a tweep, Agatha Akaahar, Ayokhai was seen with his children assaulting and stripping the lady identified as Blessing Mathias naked.

Before being assaulted, Mathias had beaten the lecturer’s daughter, Emmanuella for allegedly trying to snatch her boyfriend.

Their fight ensued after she discovered that Nuella had her boyfriend’s number in her phone, which she refused to delete.

The said lady was said to have gathered her friends to beat Emmanuella. She was seen slapping Emmanuella and hitting her from different angles, asking her to delete the number.

After some days, Emmanuella in the company of her father, Ayokhai, and her siblings, attacked Mathias in retaliation.

As captured in a viral video, Ayokhai used scissors to cut off Mathias’s cloth after being driven to an unknown destination.

Benjamin Hundeyin, Lagos State Police Public Relations Officer, in an update on Saturday revealed that the Nasarawa State police command was investigating and would provide details soon.

In a tweet, the Nasarawa State police command stated that two of the suspects had been arrested.

It said, “Sequel to the viral tweet of assault on a female teenager in Lafia, Nasarawa State, the Command swiftly commenced an investigation into the case.

“It is gratifying to state that two suspects have been arrested in connection with the case while the vehicle used in conveying the victim to an undisclosed location where she was assaulted has been recovered.

“Effort is ongoing to arrest the remaining suspects still at-large.”

Meanwhile, Twitter users are reacting to the incident. Below are some of such comments:

@DeborahToluwase: “It is a shame that a lecturer who is meant to impact knowledge is in the centre of this disgusting act. We are waiting to hear from the Federal University Lafia. This is a terrible act.”

@pearlddiva: “This man is my younger sister’s lecturer in federal university lafia oo 🤣🤣🤣 let me call her now 🤣🤣🤣 failed lecturer, failed father. Make i gather news about the man i go come update ona. He should just be lucky i don’t hear anything incriminating about him.”

@ifekitanpr: “That lafia lecturer should be dismissed and stripped of all entitlements and his entire family should be prosecuted and jailed. That’s not a family that’s cultist. What the lady did was bad, but it’s a student to student affair. They went too far.”

@ABU_Campus: “That video from Lafia is insane. I hope that useless foolish lecturer is not only fired, but prosecuted and jailed. Useless finished man.”