Nasidi: In memory of an extraordinary friend

The death of a close friend is ordinarily a painful one. However, when the friend is extraordinarily good, the loss is extraordinarily painful. Tribute to my beloved grandfather, A.A. Haruna My ‘TorMentor @ 60: A Tribute to Professor Ernest Ojukwu SAN Inna Lillahi Wa’Inna Ilaihi Rajiun. I have known late Alhaji. Ibrahim Nasidi for the […]

Nasidi: In memory of an extraordinary friend

The death of a close friend is ordinarily a painful one.

However, when the friend is extraordinarily good, the loss is extraordinarily painful.

Inna Lillahi Wa’Inna Ilaihi Rajiun.

I have known late Alhaji. Ibrahim Nasidi for the last 40 years or so and throughout this period, we have been very close.

I had seen him through thick and thin, good times and bad times, in good health and in bad health, and in all these times, late Ibrahim Nasidi had remained exceptionally calm, collected, composed and generous.

It is therefore with a very heavy heart and a deep sense of loss that I write these few words to remember him to leave lessons for those that are still alive.

Ever since I knew Alhaji Ibrahim Nasidi, he had always kept his words.

In other words, whenever he made a promise, he always delivered.

This is no simple feat, even for people of his generation.

Similarly, if I shared any secrets with him, I had never found him wanting, whatever the circumstances and no matter how long.

This ability to restrain self from sharing such sensitive information is a unique gift from Allah which defined his character.

Alhaji Ibrahim Nasidi was also one person I knew who didn’t complain about other people even when they consistently wronged him.

I had never heard him complain about the people he constantly interacted with; he was so accommodating that some took advantage of his legendary patience, yet he silently persevered.

This explained the fact that he fought no one and no one fought him.

His humility and high sense of consideration for others were simply disarming, so much so that even those who might wish to fight could not fight him, for he would not let anyone find the reason to.

Alhaji Ibrahim Nasidi’s generosity was exceptional; he had been endowed with a special milk of human kindness, ever ready to give and assist in more ways than one.

This generosity not only earned him a lot of friends but it also protected him from many adversaries.

The lessons from his humble life are obvious: Here was a peaceful person who lived a peaceful life and died peacefully and left a legacy of peace.

No matter how long we live, this life is unfailingly going to come to an end, so during this short period focusing on what is most important is paramount.

There are so many distractions and temptations to indulge one’s greed, desires or ego which ultimately only robs a person of  his respect, dignity or even peace.

The ability to restrain oneself from succumbing to these trappings of life is the success and is what elicits peace here and the hereafter.

Alh. Ibrahim Nasidi’s exemplary life style demonstrated this and those of us privileged to know him and interact with him have a duty to convey to others the value of such character.

May Allah forgive his shortcomings and grant him Aljanna Firdaus and bless his family to eternity. Amin.


Idris sent this piece from Kaduna.