National anthem: Are we decolonizing or recolonising?
Well, no amount of anthem and prayers in it can change a nation, but change of attitude. Anthems should organically flow from the heart and mind; a product of character and not just imposition of lyrics on the people and the nation. Nigerian celebrities react to new national anthem NIGERIA DAILY: Why Nigeria Does Not […]

Well, no amount of anthem and prayers in it can change a nation, but change of attitude.
Anthems should organically flow from the heart and mind; a product of character and not just imposition of lyrics on the people and the nation.
- Nigerian celebrities react to new national anthem
- NIGERIA DAILY: Why Nigeria Does Not Need A New National Anthem
Song is the last ethical, emotional and spiritual element in the outburst or expression of holistic national construction and reconstruction.
In fact, as an end product of the national change process, after a thorough attitudinal, mental and mind surgeries, the masses should be the one clamouring for the change of national tone and not the “microscopic few” somewhere legislatively imposing it.
Dr. G O. Odeh wrote from Sokoto