I had not intended to comment on the issue regarding the National Protest over the economic hardship Nigerians have been experiencing for a while now. However, recent events have compelled me to share my thoughts on this pressing matter. This situation highlights a critical issue where we, the masses, have sold our comfort for a […]



I had not intended to comment on the issue regarding the National Protest over the economic hardship Nigerians have been experiencing for a while now. However, recent events have compelled me to share my thoughts on this pressing matter.

This situation highlights a critical issue where we, the masses, have sold our comfort for a morsel of bread. In any nation where the masses believe the government is not performing as expected, the proper course of action is to vote them out during the next election. This is the essence of democracy—using our votes to hold leaders accountable.

At the moment, we cannot entirely blame the government because we, the youth, are equally complicit in the corruption that plagues our society. The problem of Nigeria is akin to that of a cat and rat, constantly in conflict but never resolving the underlying issues. The next election is around the corner; let your vote count and stand by your choice. Don’t sell your vote because doing so is tantamount to endorsing another term of bad governance.

Violent protests and the destruction of lives and property should not be encouraged. Those who engage in such acts will face the full consequences of breaking the law and order. Therefore, we must desist from protests that are merely noise-making without substantive outcomes. We cannot continue to act corruptly and expect to escape the consequences. He who comes seeking equity and justice must come with clean hands. You cannot have your cake and eat it.

We can do better as youth by rejecting the pursuit of personal gain at the expense of our community. Instead, we must strive to be respectable and responsible members of society. Real change begins with us. We need to cultivate integrity and hold ourselves to higher standards if we expect our leaders to do the same. By doing this, we pave the way for a better future, one where our collective efforts result in true progress and prosperity for all Nigerians.

In conclusion, the path to meaningful change lies in our hands. Let us use our votes wisely, uphold the rule of law, and embody the principles of justice and fairness. Together, we can build a nation that truly reflects the values and aspirations of its people.

Osunde Douglas Eseosa, Esq.
Legal Consultant, Criminal Defense Advocate & Corporate Law Lawyer
Barrister, Solicitor & Advocate of the Supreme Court of Nigeria
LL.B (Hons.), LL.M. (USA), B.L.