Natural remedy for whiter teeth

Many people wish they had sparkling white teeth to boost their confidence and boldly smile or laugh. If your teeth are not as white, all hope is not lost. Mum wants two new front teeth for Christmas Dental amalgam: Age-long treatment no longer safe for teeth It’s time to stop wishing and start acting toward […]

Natural remedy for whiter teeth

Many people wish they had sparkling white teeth to boost their confidence and boldly smile or laugh.

If your teeth are not as white, all hope is not lost.

Mum wants two new front teeth for Christmas

Dental amalgam: Age-long treatment no longer safe for teeth

It’s time to stop wishing and start acting toward having dazzling teeth with these natural remedies.

Banana peels: Do you know that banana peels are great source of teeth whitening?

Bananas are wholesome fruit that has loads of nutrients, beyond that; you need to preserve that banana peel to get pearly white teeth.

Rub the peel on your teeth for about a minute or two twice daily.

The minerals in bananas such as potassium, manganese and magnesium, are absorbed into your teeth, which keeps it white and in best health.

Orange peels are also considered great source of teeth whiteners.


Strawberry: Did you know that those bright red strawberries are a great source of teeth whiteners?

Well, now that you know it, start stocking up fresh strawberries.

All you have to do is take one or two strawberries, mash them up and apply them on your teeth for 2 to 3 minutes.

Rinse properly after this procedure or you can even brush your teeth.

Strawberries being a rich source of natural enzyme known as asmalic acid, helps in whitening teeth, while the fiber found in strawberries act as a natural cleanser that helps in removing the bacteria especially, from the mouth and teeth.


Carrots: The next time you see those crunchy carrots, simply wash them well and eat them raw.

Raw carrots are very beneficial in scrapping off plaque from your teeth and are also known as natural cleaner.

Rubbing raw carrot sticks on your teeth will brighten them up, kill the bacteria while giving you healthy gums and whiter teeth.

Apart from carrots, apples are equally important sources of teeth whiteners, which prevents gum disease, gingivitis and kills odour-causing bacteria.


Quit smoking: Surely, it is easy to say than actually do, and stick to it.

Smoking yellows your teeth along with imparting you with other deadly diseases.

So if you want to bring back the pearly white shines, quit smoking.

Use a straw: Sipping anything extremely hot or cold is not good for your teeth.

So as far as possible try sipping your tea or cold coffee through a straw as it cuts down the direct contact of your teeth.