Naval school inaugurates projects for personnel

The Nigerian Navy School of Armament Technology (NNSAT), Kachia, Kaduna State, has inaugurated projects to boost the welfare of its personnel. The projects are 10 one-bedroom officers’ block, 16 self-contained senior ratings block, 12 one-bedroom block for junior ratings, among others. The Commandant of NNSAT, Rear Admiral Tanko Pani, while commissioning the buildings, charged the […]

Naval school inaugurates projects for personnel

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The Nigerian Navy School of Armament Technology (NNSAT), Kachia, Kaduna State, has inaugurated projects to boost the welfare of its personnel.

The projects are 10 one-bedroom officers’ block, 16 self-contained senior ratings block, 12 one-bedroom block for junior ratings, among others.

The Commandant of NNSAT, Rear Admiral Tanko Pani, while commissioning the buildings, charged the naval personnel to remain dedicated to the service to their fatherland.

Admiral Pani said the Navy’s transformation plan had personnel welfare as one of its key performance indicators.

He said other projects which included a sports complex and a solar-powered street with floodlights would provide recreational facilities, conducive working environment and enhanced security for staff and trainees of the school.

He said, “It is my desire that more projects will be initiated and completed to actualise the master plan of the school though the first phase of accommodation for essential staff has been completed.

“Similarly, NNSAT has taken a cue from the naval headquarters and has executed over 30 different projects; some of which shall be commissioned today.

“It is pertinent to state that the commissioning of these facilities will alleviate the current accommodation challenges faced by personnel of the school, as well as moderate the activities of trainees through effective supervision and monitoring.

“I wish to place on record the remarkable contributions made by NNSAT in support of internal security operations in Kaduna State and also the training of personnel to support various operations within and outside the country.”

The commandant noted that the school had engaged in civil-military cooperation by embarking on several Corporate Social Responsibility (CSP) initiatives within Kachia and environs under the navy’s non-kinetic line of operation.

He further said NNSAT was constructing worship centres for Christian and Muslim personnel, and therefore told the personnel that, “The Nigerian Navy expects more dedication to service from you as you take ownership of the facilities, put them to good use and take proper care of them as the amount of resources used in the construction was at the expense of other competing demands.”