Navigating motherhood and successful fitness lifestyle is fun – Disney Martinez reveals

Disney Martinez is an inspiration. Unbelievably fit, she motivates women around the world to achieve their best bodies. Financially successful, she navigated the complicated world of Herbalife and came out on top as a record-breaking member of their Chairman’s Club. Stirringly captivating, she has gained over one million followers on Instagram and counting. But if […]

Navigating motherhood and successful fitness lifestyle is fun – Disney Martinez reveals

Disney Martinez

Disney Martinez is an inspiration. Unbelievably fit, she motivates women around the world to achieve their best bodies.

Financially successful, she navigated the complicated world of Herbalife and came out on top as a record-breaking member of their Chairman’s Club.

Stirringly captivating, she has gained over one million followers on Instagram and counting. But if Disney had to choose one inspirational crown to wear for the rest of her life, she would certainly choose to be dubbed “queen mom.”

Disney gave birth to her first child, Lucas de la Concepcion, in July of 2013. After about a year or so, Disney and husband Jorge decided to bestow their son with a little friend, and Jade was born in May of 2015.

Since then, the duo has been the sun around which their mother’s entire universe revolves. If you’d like to get a firsthand look, she never misses a chance to share the numerous fun events and activities that she and the kids get into on her Instagram FitCouple.

Disney Martinez with her husband and two children

Disney proclaims that she and her husband “…really enjoy (bringing) [sic] our kids with us on as many traveling adventures as possible.”

Whether they are packing up the family pup and taking a trip to Tennessee or flying to France for some fresh-baked authentic French bread, the kids are ecstatic to see the world thanks to their hardworking parents.

“At such a young age they have already done more traveling than I was able to do in 20 years.” Disney philosophizes.

It’s a point of pride for the 31-year old immigrant from Cuba. She can afford to give the life she’s always dreamed of to her two kids, and of course enjoy the treats of travel at the same time. “We love teaching them about history and the world from first hand experiences.”

Check Disney’s Instagram story any day of the week and you’ll see her and the kids picking mangoes, playing in the pool, or shopping about town in their beautiful home of Miami.

A young success, Disney is glad to have a long life of motherhood ahead of her, gilded with all of the wealth and prosperity necessary to provide the childhood every kid dreams of.