NBA 2014 election: Much ado on zoning

The NBA presidential election which comes up in July promises to be very interesting on accounts of the quality of the people in the contest hence the brewing intrigues.In a letter dated 28th April, 2014 and addressed to the President of the Nigerian Bar Association, Okey Wali  (SAN), by Dr. Olisa Agbakoba (SAN), he advised […]

NBA 2014 election: Much ado on zoning
NBA 2014 election: Much ado on zoning

The NBA presidential election which comes up in July promises to be very interesting on accounts of the quality of the people in the contest hence the brewing intrigues.
In a letter dated 28th April, 2014 and addressed to the President of the Nigerian Bar Association, Okey Wali  (SAN), by Dr. Olisa Agbakoba (SAN), he advised the NBA not to depart from its zoning arrangement in its 2014 presidential elections.
Dr. Agbakoba advised, “I recognize and empathize with the exclusion of the Midwest but it is in our overall interest to maintain the zoning arrangement.  
 “I suggest we do not depart from the zoning arrangement but immediately take steps to address the grievances of the Midwest.”
He mentioned that the NBA presidential election was getting out of hand, adding that there will be dire consequences.
 “We must not allow the election become a “do or die” matter. We are not politicians,” Agbakoba said.
The incumbent president, Mr. Wali,( SAN )used the slot for the East when he emerged victorious during 2012 NBA election.
Specifically, the zoning arrangement is ‘a gentleman agreement’ in which the NBA presidency is rotated between the Northern, Western and Southern parts of the country, hence at any particular general election, only one of these zones can field candidates for the office of the NBA president.
The candidates for the July election are Mrs. Funke Adekoya, (SAN), Chief Niyi Akintola (SAN), Mr. Dele Adesina, (SAN) Mr. Austin Alegeh, (SAN) and Mr. Osas Justy Erhabor.
The Midwest Lawyers Forum in fielding both Alegeh and Erhabor claims that since there is no separate recognition given to the Midwest, they are entitled to field their own candidates under the ‘West’ slot.
The forum also alleged that the Southwest had always utilized the slot granted the West leaving candidates from the Midwest in the lurch.
In a letter written to the NBA president in response to Olisa Agbakoba’s position on zoning, Chief Ferdinand Orbih (SAN) Chairman of Midwest Lawyers Forum expressed disbelief.
“Our disbelief stems from the fact that at a meeting held in March, 2012 to addressed the legitimate demands and aspiration of the Midwest Bar Forum for the NBA presidential slot, Dr. Olisa Agbakoba submitted a written position wherein he clearly stated that for the purpose of the zoning of the NBA presidency, both the Midwest Bar Forum and Egbe Amofin belong to the West. The meeting was presided over by Mr. J.B. Daudu, (SAN) (the then president of the NBA) and the prominent and respected leaders that attended included Chief T. J. Okpoko (SAN), and Chief  Bamidele Aiku (SAN), who represented the Midwest Bar Forum and the Egbe Amofin respectively.
 “In fact, it is unthinkable that a man of his status would turn around to take a contrary position because of his support for a particular candidate and /or the exigencies of the present election,” he said.
Midwest Bar Forum noted that there is no Southwest in the informal zoning configuration of the NBA as far as the office of the presidency is concerned. Adding that the three recognized zones are North, East and West (i.e Egbe Amofin and Midwest)
The forum stated that, “In the unlikely event that the letter under reference was indeed written by Dr. Olisa Agbakoba (SAN), there is need to remind him that a decision has already been taken by the leaders and elders of the Bar at the aforesaid meeting in Abuja, in March, 2012 . At the meeting, the NBA 2014 presidency was zoned to the West thus; leaving the door open for any member of the Midwest Bar Forum or Egbe Amofin to contest the election. The Southwest-(Egbe Amofin) and the Midwest Bar Forum have since moved beyond Dr. Agbakoba (SAN)’s partisan position. Both parties have already agreed that they belong to the West.”
According to the Midwest Bar Forum the unresolved issue is which of the two fora in the West will field a candidate in 2014.
Chief Ferdinand Orbih said that efforts to resolve the question of precedence on the basis of fairness and propriety have not yielded dividend.
“On that note, the parties concerned have agreed to meet at the polls for the NBA to choose between the contesting Western (Midwest and Egbe Amofin) candidates.
“Dr. Agbakoba therefore has every right to vote for his candidate on Election Day but he has no right to peddle untruth and cry louder than the bereaved.
“Finally, a leaf must be borrowed from the East where in the last election; candidates from different parts of the zone contested the election. That in our view represents the true spirit of democracy”, Chief Ferdinand Orbih stated.
When asked for comments, the NBA President Okey Wali said that he would not offer any comment on the issue.
The NBA President said the NBA constitution does not know zoning but he added quickly that “people who run elections and members of the bar have understanding amongst themselves and that cannot  be an issue for the President of the Bar to comment on because zoning is unknown to the constitution”
Meanwhile most lawyers have said that they are looking forward to the next president who will bring some special qualities and add values to the NBA.