NBA poll: Arewa lawyers never backed Gadzama for president

Northern lawyers under the umrella of Arewa Lawyers Forum have dispelled rumours that they are backing the aspiration of J. K. Gadzama to contest for national president of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) in the election of the association slated for July this year. The forum said in a statement jointly signed by chairmen of […]

NBA poll: Arewa lawyers never backed Gadzama for president

Northern lawyers under the umrella of Arewa Lawyers Forum have dispelled rumours that they are backing the aspiration of J. K. Gadzama to contest for national president of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) in the election of the association slated for July this year.
The forum said in a statement jointly signed by chairmen of 10 NBA branches from the North, “We wish to state categorically that the forum has never backed Gadzama’s candidature. Neither at the meeting of 30th January, 2016 nor any other meeting of the forum did we resolve to back him.”
The forum recalled that at its rescheduled meeting held in Bauchi state in October last year, it constituted a committee to screen members that wish to contest for national offices in the forthcoming NBA poll.
“The report of the screening committee was not accepted and therefore no person vying for office in the forthcoming election was adopted by the forum,” the statement stated.