NBA president appoints caretaker for Abuja, Ikeja branches

The president of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), Abubakar Mahmoud SAN, has constituted caretaker committees for the crisis-ridden Abuja and Ikeja branches of the association. The constitution is sequel to the resolution of the NBA-NEC at its just concluded quarterly meeting held in Aba, Abia State, last week. NEC empowered the NBA president to activate […]

NBA president appoints caretaker for Abuja, Ikeja branches

The president of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), Abubakar Mahmoud SAN, has constituted caretaker committees for the crisis-ridden Abuja and Ikeja branches of the association.

The constitution is sequel to the resolution of the NBA-NEC at its just concluded quarterly meeting held in Aba, Abia State, last week.

NEC empowered the NBA president to activate the provisions of Section 11(1) (a), Third Schedule Part 2 of the NBA Constitution in constituting the caretaker committees.

The NBA president, in constituting the committee, considered the experience, integrity and loyalty to the ideals of the Bar in choosing its membership.

Those appointed are: Caleb Dajan, 1st Vice President, Mustapha Abubakar Esq.,  past chairman, Kaduna Branch  and A.Y Musa Esq., past chairman, Zaria Branch/NEC member for the Abuja Branch.

Others are Ben Oji Esq. 3rd Vice President, Foluso Fayokun, Esq past chairman of Lagos Branch /NEC member and Manzuma Isah Esq. Chairman, Ilorin Branch who were appointed for the Ikeja branch.

The appointed caretaker committee members, according to Isiaka Abiola Olagunju, General Secretary, NBA are to conduct credible elections into vacant offices of chairman and secretary in respect of  Abuja branch and office of  chairman only in respect of Ikeja branch, respectively.