NCC can do better

It was supposed to be a public/consumer forum with service providers and the NCC and the public; but to the dismay of most who attended the event, it ended in fiasco.  Right from the start, one could not help but wonder whether that was the best show the well-funded commission could put up.The choice of […]

NCC can do better
NCC can do better

It was supposed to be a public/consumer forum with service providers and the NCC and the public; but to the dismay of most who attended the event, it ended in fiasco.  Right from the start, one could not help but wonder whether that was the best show the well-funded commission could put up.
The choice of the venue was a no-brainer. Many invited consumers/customers who had genuine complaints were left stranded as they could not get seats in the poorly ventilated lecture theatre of the public school where the event took place. The lecture theatre was filled to capacity by the students, most of who were in their 1st year. At a point it became difficult to ascertain whether NCC was organising a consumer forum or students’ forum.   
The riotous atmosphere within the hall used for the event can be imagined. Most of the students in the hall were chatting away either physically or on their mobile appliances , some dozing and others just moving up and down as they could not grasp most of the technical issues being discussed by the sometimes exuberant NCC officials and service providers
The observation of protocol was also a total embarrassment as a professor in the institution was recognised before his boss the vice chancellor, who was represented by a deputy. At the start of the event, one of the NCC directors was offered the microphone to start addressing guests, without waiting for the DVC to formally welcome all into the institution. It took a formal protest from the DVC before this anomaly was rectified. The NCC continued to bungle the event all the way when it served refreshments to its officials and representatives of the service providers without any thought for invited guests. And when they were made to realize this oversight, they sought to placate the increasingly restive guests, but the few refreshments they provided led to a stampede as most of the students scrambled and stepped on each other. The NCC needs to be reminded that much is expected of its officials. Most discerning minds who attended the event in Kaduna were appalled at the tardy organisation.  
Abdullahi Isah Wase, Rigachikun, Kaduna<[email protected]>;