NDE trains 25 Bauchi graduates on agric skills

The National Directorate Employment (NDE) has trained 25 young graduates on modern agricultural value chain and techniques in Bauchi State.

NDE trains 25 Bauchi graduates on agric skills

Mohammed Gasma supervises his rice farm in Gashua Bade

The National Directorate Employment (NDE) has trained 25 young graduates on modern agricultural value chain and techniques in Bauchi State.

At the training in Bauchi, NDE’s Director of Rural Employment Promotion, Dr Mbata Michael, said the training was a continuation of the Post-Sustainable Agricultural Development Training Scheme (SADTS); helping to provide job opportunities and also providing adequate food for the increasing population.

The director who was represented by an NDE official, Nkem Ekeamadi, explained that the objective of the one-week training was empowering the youths on how they could boost profitable employment opportunities through agricultural value chain to achieve high food sufficiency and also raise the standard of living of youths in the state.

The Director General of NDE, Abubakar Nuhu Faikpo, represented by the State Coordinator, Ali Lawan Yaya, charged the participants to utilise the opportunity by equipping themselves to become self-reliant and employers of labour.