Need to restructure almajiri system

The Almajiri educational system has been in existence for centuries. Parents thought they are delivering their mandate of equipping children religiously but the children are forced to beg for survival. In the past, parents enrolled their children with stuffs necessary to facilitate the studies but nowadays children are just sent without even a visit to […]

Need to restructure almajiri system
Need to restructure almajiri system

The Almajiri educational system has been in existence for centuries. Parents thought they are delivering their mandate of equipping children religiously but the children are forced to beg for survival. In the past, parents enrolled their children with stuffs necessary to facilitate the studies but nowadays children are just sent without even a visit to check how they are coping with life.

Many rural and poor families that could not afford formal education enrol their children in Almajiri schools. Most of the teachers are after what they may get from foreign donations and non-governmental organisations’ interventions but not morally and religiously training the children. In some states, one can see as many almajirai roaming around in the name of begging; as a result, thugs, drug users, criminals and bad leaders use them with small amount to cause havoc in society. It is sad that underage children looking emaciated in tattered clothes are left to beg while their age mates are studying in schools.

Most times, parents send their children to Almajiri schools due to the high number of their children and inability to cater for their needs. Skyrocketing level of poverty is another reason why some parents send their children to far places in the name of seeking religious education.

However, it is time to reflect at the consequences of our action as individuals and a society at large.

First of all, parents should bear in mind that God will judge them in the hereafter over how they delivered their responsibilities of providing food, clothing, education, both religious and western, for all members of the family. Secondly, Almajiri teachers should be treating them with love and care.  They should stop sending them out to go and beg. Parents should be asked to bring food items and money for the upkeep of their children.

Traditional and religious leaders have key roles to play in bringing change to the system, by making sure they regularly remind parents about their responsibilities. Recent moves by governments in merging Almajiri education with modern education is good which should be taken seriously. Family planning could really help in mitigating frequent childbirths, few number of children lead to few demands which makes parents to be able to meet their responsibilities.

Mukhtar can be reached via [email protected]