Never allow today’s challenges overwhelm you – Devaan Mom

Devaan Mom is the Founder MochaBeauty Monthly Digital Pageant. She is a native of Benue State from Tiv Ethnic group. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Hanmation on April 9 and have two brothers. Her father was a public servant who was active in service until he passed on in 2002, while her mum was the […]

Never allow today’s challenges overwhelm you – Devaan Mom

Devaan Mom is the Founder MochaBeauty Monthly Digital Pageant

Devaan Mom is the Founder MochaBeauty Monthly Digital Pageant. She is a native of Benue State from Tiv Ethnic group. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Hanmation on April 9 and have two brothers.

Her father was a public servant who was active in service until he passed on in 2002, while her mum was the Chief Nursing Officer, Benue State Health Management board who passed on in 1993.

She is married to Rommy Mom, the first lawyer from Utange Community in Ushongo LGA of Benue State. Mrs. Mom takes Tambari Extra through her life trajectory and has a life lesson for everyone; ‘Never allow today’s challenges overwhelm you’

Educational background

I spent all of my schooling years in Makurdi, Benue state. I attended Nativity Private School. I proceeded to Mount Carmel College in 1989. I obtained my SSCE/WAEC before proceeding to Benue State University, Markudi, where I obtained my BSc Mass Communication in 1997.

Career background

I am currently the founder of Mocha Beauty Monthly Digital Pageant, which empowers young ladies with a monthly grant of N350 000 each. We hope to change the narrative of beauty contest, which focuses on just physical appearance. Mocha Beauty models do not win based on looks but hard work and the ability to mobilize people to vote for them. We believe it teaches tenacity and the passion not to give up.

I worked in various stations of NTA as a newscaster, reporter, presenter, and producer from 1998 – 2009. Interactive TV Trainer, BBC WST (DFID funded project): 2009 – 2011. Information, Education, Communication & Training Coordinator, Abt Associates (USAID funded): 2012 – 2013. Pioneer Program Manager, Poverty, and Associated Maladies Alleviation Initiative: 2013 (6 months). Project Officer, Information, Education, Communication and Training, FCT CSDP (WB Assisted): 2013 – 2018 MD, Firmus Communication Ventures (organizers of the 1st Monthly digital beauty pageant in Nigeria, Mocha Beauty): 2014 – date. Political Career: 2018 – date (contested for the Kwande/Ushongo House of Reps ticket under APC). I am also a farmer and I provide communication consultancy services.

My growing up years

I don’t think anyone had a better childhood. My parents love me, although they were strict within reason. They bought me children’s versions of Charles Dicken’s books. I was a voracious reader, by the age of 12 I had graduated from Mills and Boon to reading from my father’s library.

Fond childhood memories I miss

I had a beautiful childhood. I was quite a tomboy, surrounded by pets, and allowed to play hard. I had bicycles, visited friends, some of whom I am still close to today. I remember then, I’d find a way to sneak out and play naked in the rain! The world was still a relatively safe place.

My aspirations growing up

I wanted to be many things, a cooker,a driver so I could drive,a musician, a nun, and a fine artist. I eventually just looked at the subjects I passed well in my WAEC and settled for journalism. Inspired by a beloved uncle of mine, Mr. David Aguralso a journalist.

Life challenges over the years

I have had health challenges, still do. I am genotype SS with all the attendant problems it brings. I have had challenges of solvency. I have had challenges of bereavement (both parents, a beloved uncle, Dr. Daniel Shinyi, many cousins, friends, a son). I went through some dark patches in life because of these deaths. Although, these are issues most people will encounter through the course of life. Once there is life, there is hope, so never allow yourself to be overwhelm by today’s challenges. Also the monthly digital beauty pageant I pioneer, ‘Mocha Beauty’. It is still in its infancy, I have a challenge getting people to understand the vision and getting wider acceptance probably because the concept is unique.

...With husband Rommy Mom at their wedding reception in Desenzano del Garda, Italy
…With husband Rommy Mom at their wedding reception in Desenzano del Garda, Italy

What my typical day is like

COVID-19 has made my life extremely mundane. I wake up, pray, prepare breakfast for my household, and help my husband off to work. I then do some chores before setting out to attend to whatever my day demands of me. Come home late afternoon watch some TV. So rather boring I guess. I do throw in the odd visit to friends here and there, now and then of course.

Gift I cherish until date

The gift of life o! From God.

Three fashion accessories I always have on me

My wedding band, a pair of earrings and shoes.

My best travel destination

Italy. Specifically the Vatican. It also holds fond memories for me because I had my solemnization of holy matrimony there and got the Pope’s blessing. For a Catholic, that means a lot.

My Best mode of relaxation

TV, snacking on marsh mallows.

Last good book I read and how it influenced me

Some weird book that claimed Jesus Christ married Mary Magdalene and had kids. I can’teven remember the title anymore but it was a bestseller when it came out. All it did was left me stupefied at what a brilliant liar the dude was. The book Beyond Pardon by Bertha M Clay built in me strong moral code. I read it at a young age.

My Favourite food

Pounded yam and pocho (local Tiv stew). I bet you were expecting to hear salad and Basmati rice!

How would you define style and what type of style are you comfortable in?

For me, style is not following every fashion trend that pops up but identifying those looks that express your personality best and flatter your body. I am most comfortable reasonably covered up; it could be traditional or western. I don’t like revealing clothes one bit.

Favorite fashion designer

I don’t have any

Favorite perfume, designer bag, and shoes

I buy whatever catches my fancy and looks to be of good quality.

One advice of mum that has stuck with you

“You cannot be weak, the world doesn’t care”. From my dad, “remember whose daughter you are and always be the best version of you that you can be”.

Advice for women who aspire to be like me

Don’t bother. Just be the best version of you that you can be.

Favourite sport, colour, and weather

My favourite colour is green; it has a calming effect on me. I love cool weather. I am not into sports.

Favorite day of the week

None. I see each new day as a special gift from God Almighty.

My beauty routine

I never carry one hairdo longer than three weeks. I have pedicures frequently; I always wash off my makeup, bath twice, keep armpit hair off, and keep my hair, nails, and teeth clean.

How I keep fit

I try to eat right, sleep well, and stay hydrated.

Achievements in life

I am still a work in progress. While I thank God for bringing me this far, I don’t think I can pat myself on the back just yet.

Life legacies

I would love to be remembered as a woman who tried to leave a positive impact on my loved ones and touch the lives of young ladies.

Awards (IF ANY)

Woman on Fire Awards (3 times); and other work related awards and recognitions.

Role models

My parents and oddly enough my husband. He has a never-say-die-attitude to life that I admire. It attracted me to him in the first place, if he wants something he stops at nothing to get it (excluding wrong doing of course).

What would you tell a younger you?

Take it easy, what will be will be

One fashion accessory you cherish until date and why?

My wedding band!In the Catholic faith, it is a mark of commitment to your partner; the Priest blesses it before presenting it to the couple. I sleep with it on, bathe with it, do laundry and cook with it. I do not take mine off. When I feel like I might be having some slight issues with the skin underneath, I simply transfer it to another finger for a few hours. It is my way of showing my commitment and love to my husband.

Lessons life taught me

Life is very unpredictable. It does notmean one should not try to achieve things but you have more peace knowing that there is no answer to life’s many questions and mysteries so never allow today’s challenges overwhelm you.