New association aspires to reorganise Islam in France

As President Emmanuel Macron sets himself the challenge of reforming the relationship between the state and the country’s Muslims, a grassroots initiative has been launched in response to his vision of a “French Islam”. The organisation launched this week by prominent intellectual Hakim El Karoui is part of a set of proposals from the Franco-Tunisian […]

New association aspires to reorganise Islam in France
New association aspires to reorganise Islam in France

As President Emmanuel Macron sets himself the challenge of reforming the relationship between the state and the country’s Muslims, a grassroots initiative has been launched in response to his vision of a “French Islam”.

The organisation launched this week by prominent intellectual Hakim El Karoui is part of a set of proposals from the Franco-Tunisian author to Mr Macron that aims to inspire Muslims unite to together in a new direction.

According to the banker turned author, the Muslim Association for a French Islam (AMIF) has the objective of fostering a “serene integration of Islam in France”.

By acting as a middle man between the government and the worshippers, AMIF intends to cast itself as a trusted interlocutor for both parties and hence promote transparency and accountability.

By offering a gateway for services for Muslim citizens, the organisation could bolster confidence within the wider society. “There are different aspects to this, for example the issue of the pilgrimage [to Mecca],” Mr El Karoui, who is senior fellow at the French think-tank Institut Montaigne, told The National.

By vetting specialist agencies and enterprises that are devoted to aspects of Muslim life – from travel agencies to halal meat suppliers and Imams – Mr El Karoui said he believed an organisation like his would be able to improve transparency and channel the worshippers’ donations and investments towards institutions that commit to transparency. (The National)