New China virus: 10 things you need to know

Over the weekend, the number of people infected with a new virus in China has tripled. As at Tuesday morning, four persons have already died from the virus while over 200 are now infected. The outbreak of this coronavirus has spread from Wuhan to other major cities. But what exactly is this new virus and […]

New China virus: 10 things you need to know

Over the weekend, the number of people infected with a new virus in China has tripled.

As at Tuesday morning, four persons have already died from the virus while over 200 are now infected.

The outbreak of this coronavirus has spread from Wuhan to other major cities.

But what exactly is this new virus and how easy is it to contract?

Here are few things you need to know about the virus:

1. At the moment, there is no vaccine that can protect people against this type of coronavirus. It is a new strain that hasn’t been seen in humans before, which means doctors still have lots to learn about it.

2. Based on currently available information, the World Health Organization has not recommend any restrictions on travel or trade as a result of outbreak of the virus.

3. The first human cases were identified in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2019. There have not been any other suspected human cases reported prior to this.

4. Given the type of virus, the incubation period (how long it takes for symptoms to appear after catching the infection) is days, rather than weeks.

5. It is not yet known how or when the virus became infectious to people.

6. Experts believe the first cases were transmitted by an animal.

7. Authorities have confirmed that it can be passed from person-to-person.

8. Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause illnesses ranging from the common cold to more severe disease. It’s not yet clear how bad this new coronavirus is.

9. It is not yet known how the virus was transmitted. Other coronaviruses, such as Sars and Mers, came from cats and camels respectively.

10. Avoid close contact with anyone showing symptoms of respiratory illness such as coughing and sneezing.