New Year: How resolute will your resolutions be?

Life is so full of sweet and unpleasant surprises. For the unpleasant ones, it is left to you to buckle up and face challenges as events unfold in your life. Turn every stumbling block into stepping stones for a greater and brighter life. Do not let the negative side of situations take the better part […]

New Year: How resolute will your resolutions be?
New Year: How resolute will your resolutions be?

Life is so full of sweet and unpleasant surprises. For the unpleasant ones, it is left to you to buckle up and face challenges as events unfold in your life. Turn every stumbling block into stepping stones for a greater and brighter life. Do not let the negative side of situations take the better part of you, by letting your negative side to supersede your positive character or attitude.

Many people at this particular time of the year decide on what their New Year resolutions would be and how they intend to implement it, but at the end of the whole thing, they end up not meeting these resolutions either due to their lack of commitment or not being able to break away from their habit.  It is certain that life at times does not offer man a fair share, but that does not mean that we have to give up when we are faced with very difficult challenges. It is resolution season again, the time of the year when we make millions of promises to change from our negative traits and give them all up when within a month. Also, we tend to refocus on our ambition in life and how to go about achieving it. However, by the time the rosy blush of good intentions wears off, the resolution gets pushed aside. Not because we don’t still long to have what we want, but because we just don’t know how to change.

Retracing our steps and finding out how we can adjust to live is what we all need to do. Learning from our mistakes is one important thing that we need to understand if we do not  want to find ourselves repeating the same mistakes again and again. This is a period to reflect on the entire positive and especially negative acts that we have indulged ourselves in the outgoing year.

Malam Sani Bello, a clergy says “we can also make sacrifices for the benefit of the whole society, though most people feel that this is just a waste of time as they are concerned about their personal gain and achievement. We see frequently as people complain about the rampant evil practices, degradation of societal values, onslaught of vulgarity and obscenity, among others. In essence, it has become part of our character to complain and find faults without looking for their remedies. We indulge in all kinds of talks and at the end put the blame on others and totally forgetting in essence, we could individually be responsible for what has happened to us.  We indulge in these little talks for the sake of it and have no little idea on how to improve the situation or bring a change in the decaying social order. We can decide to make a resolution to start the change train in the society, thereby making a positive impact in our lives and in the lives of many others in the society.”

“The home front can be better if we decide to retrace our steps for the progress of our marriage and happiness in our lives. We know that marriage is not a bed of roses, but it is up to us women to be able to hold on to that thing called marriage and give it the best we can instead of being the wedge of the marriage,” says Malama Adama Yusuf, a teacher.

If there have been problems in the marriage this passing year, you should try to sort it out. One way to do that is to look at the remote causes of the problems, with the will to avoid them in the coming year.

The habit of keeping bad company, gossiping, deception, prejudice, ill temper, jealousy, nagging, indecency and extravagance should be dropped and positive behaviors like patience and other like virtues should  be picked up and worked on to make the incoming year a wonderful and stress fulfilled one for us.

New Year symbolizes good luck, prosperity and good new beginning. It’s the best time to analyze our past mistakes and make efforts to achieve our desinavy goals.

women always abound in high hopes and aspirations, so they are the ones more likely to make r new year resolutions, some even for the fun of it. And that is where they get things wrong. Making new year resolution is a serious business, because it is something about one’s life. So making one for the fun of it actually shows how un serious one could be. In essence, that is self-deception.

To truly change requires three things; desire, intent and persistence. This is in addition to patience. You have to identify what you desire to change, then be willing to stick to. Armed with these attitudes and behaviors, you can cultivate a new habit or behaviour.

New Year resolutions and goals for women vary from one to another depending on one’s requirements and yearnings. Effective New Year resolutions for women are more about creating an ambience of fun and enjoyment at home with kids and husband. Since women are the main motivator of the family and shoulders day-to-day responsibilities of the house, it is time for prepare for new family budgets and cut down on family’s excess expenditures. Planning ahead in time for this incoming year could be one of the best things that you could ever possibly wish for.