New year resolution from a Muslim’s viewpoint

New year resolution for the Muslim is a daily, not annual routine when, for some, one looks back at the previous year, and assesses how it went.  for the  Muslim, our fortune lies in our hands as the Holy Quran says: “That is because Allah would not change a favour which He had bestowed upon […]

New year resolution from a Muslim’s viewpoint

New year resolution for the Muslim is a daily, not annual routine when, for some, one looks back at the previous year, and assesses how it went.  for the  Muslim, our fortune lies in our hands as the Holy Quran says: “That is because Allah would not change a favour which He had bestowed upon a people until they change what is within themselves. And indeed, Allah is Hearing and Knowing”. [8:53]
In a peice he wrote recently, Dr. Syed Husain Pasha, an educator and scholar said: “For the Muslim, every day is New Year. Every day is the first day of the new first year of the rest of your life. So, even when it comes to celebrating the new year, Islam gives you more than anyone else; It gives you more than you ever thought you could get.”
Following are some of the most important resolutions that we could consider to make this year, 1438H, count for us as Muslims.
Adopting simplicity
Simplicity is considered to be one of the most noble and appreciated characteristics of a Muslim`s personality. Islam teaches us to avoid any kind of pride and lavishness, no matter what our social status, income, and stature is. Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) spent His whole life in contentment with whatever He had and never wished for more.
“Look at those who stand at a lower level than you but don’t look at those who stand at a higher level than you, for this would make the favours (conferred upon you by Allah) insignificant (in your eyes).”(Muslim)
Praying regularly
Allah Almighty has ordered us Muslims to pray five times a day. It is the way to show gratitude and thank the Almighty for His blessings. It also lets us get closer to the Creator of this universe.
“O you, who have believed, seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, Allah is with the patient”… [Quran, 2:153]
Understanding the Qu’ran
Unfortunately, most of us Muslims read the Quran for the sake of reading and do not ponder on the teachings mentioned in it. It is our utmost duty to not only comprehend the verses of the Quran but also act upon them.
“Alif, Lam, Ra. [This is] a Book which We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], that you might bring mankind out of dark into the light by permission of their Lord – to the path of the Exalted in Might, the Praiseworthy”. [Quran, 14:1]
So it is clear from this Ayah that the Quran is the source of enlightenment, as we get to know about many issues of daily life which we are doing wrongfully, e.g. backbiting is said to be a major sin in the Holy Book, but we do not care much about this delicate subject. So by realizing about such and many other things will improve our personality as Muslims.
Performing charity
Zakah (charity) is one of the five pillars of Islam which means to assist others with something valuable like money, food or clothes etc. to help the needy and also to purify own wealth, for avoiding greed and accumulation of extra wealth. It is obligatory on every Muslim to carry out this deed and it should be done regularly.
“And establish prayer and give Zakah, and whatever good you put forward for yourselves – you will find it with Allah. Indeed, Allah of what you do, is Seeing.” [Quran, 2:110]
Such is the importance of donations in our religion that it is discussed together with prayer as seen in the above lines from the Holy Quran.
Excelling in humbleness
Humility and modesty are the prominent behavioral traits of a true Muslim. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has put great emphasis on the importance of humility towards others.
“Shall I tell you about the inhabitants of Paradise? They are all modest persons.” “Shall I tell you about the inhabitants of Hell? They are all ignoble, rude and proud ones.” (Bukhari)
And the servants of the Most Merciful are those who walk upon the earth easily, and when the ignorant address them [harshly], they say [words of] peace, [Quran: 25:63]
Speaking the truth
Islam has put a great emphasis on the significance of honesty and candor. It is regarded as one of the top most virtues of the Mu`min (true Muslim). It not only includes the straightforward speech while communicating with others, but also being truthful to what one believes in. There should be a high deal of conformity between what we have faith in and what we do.
“O you, who have believed, fear Allah and be with those who are true”. [Quran, 9:119]
The most sincere person who has ever lived on earth is no doubt Muhammad (PBUH), whose openness was even respected by His enemies. Abdullah ibn Mas’ud narrates:
“Verily, truthfulness leads to righteousness and righteousness leads to Paradise. A man may speak the truth until he is recorded with Allah as truthful. Verily, falsehood leads to wickedness and wickedness leads to the Hellfire. A man may tell lies until he is recorded with Allah as a liar.” (Muslim)
It is clear from this Hadith that integrity leads to morality which in turn guides to paradise. Moral values are the basis of any society, without which it cannot survive.
Remembering the Day of Judgment
One of the best ways to avoid committing sins is by frequently thinking about the Judgment Day, when all of us will be summoned in front of Allah and will be given the return for our conduct in the world. Anas (R.A) tells:
“The time that comes on people is followed by a time that is worse than it. This will go on forever, till you meet your Lord. I had heard this from your Prophet (PBUH).” (Bukhari)
Cooperation with others
It is moral duty of a Muslim to help and assist whoever is in the state of need, but this act is limited to good deeds only. On many occasions in Quran, Allah has stressed on the value of unity but has also added some good deeds afterwards, no doubt Islam only preaches to be supportive when it done for right cause.
The believing men and believing women are allies of one another. They enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and establish prayer and give Zakah and obey Allah and His Messenger. Those – Allah will have mercy upon them. Indeed, Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise. [Quran, 9:71]
The Holy Prophet`s (PBUH) life is full of examples where He executed collaboration, e.g. before the battle of Khandaq, He participated in digging a trench outside city of Madina.
Preaching Islam to others
Being on the right path and living life according to Islam is undoubtedly a praiseworthy deed, for it makes person a true Muslim. But the even noble action in our religion is urging others towards Islamic teachings. The entire biography of Muhammad (PBUH) circles around preaching the religion of righteousness (Islam) to others.
“Whosoever directs a person to do good, will have a reward similar to the one who does that good.” (Muslim)
Therefore, it means that we can double the reward for single good deed by teaching it to others as well as acting on it.
Shortly, a new year is like an inauguration of a new set up. We are in same state too: we can learn more about Islam, act upon its teachings dutifully, and improve our lives in future by avoiding making mistakes in daily life.

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