THE BEARING: Why We Fail to Achieve Our New Year Resolutions
Download here New Year is usually an opportunity people use to start off a clean slate and start afresh. So making New Year resolutions comes with the New Year package as people make commitments to be better or achieve new things in the year to come NIGERIA DAILY: The Economy: How Nigerians Fared […]

New Year resolutions
New Year is usually an opportunity people use to start off a clean slate and start afresh. So making New Year resolutions comes with the New Year package as people make commitments to be better or achieve new things in the year to come
NIGERIA DAILY: The Economy: How Nigerians Fared in 2021
THE BEARING: The Tales Of Single Parenting
Unfortunately, most of the set down goals are rarely achieved, as people just flow with the year. Why is that?
In this episode of the Bearing, we look at why people fail to keep to their New Year goals and resolutions and what can do to achieve their set down goals.