Nigeria and the legion of ‘prayer warriors’

Anyone who thoroughly traces the history of this nation would confirm that we qualify for ‘prestigious awards’ in that regard. Even in my neighbourhood, there are about 183, if you like, mushroom prayer houses which jam lips every day and night in prayers. Even in our individual lives we pray; and while we do, some […]

Nigeria and the legion of ‘prayer warriors’
Nigeria and the legion of ‘prayer warriors’

Anyone who thoroughly traces the history of this nation would confirm that we qualify for ‘prestigious awards’ in that regard. Even in my neighbourhood, there are about 183, if you like, mushroom prayer houses which jam lips every day and night in prayers. Even in our individual lives we pray; and while we do, some of us intercede for our country, and leaders’ behalf. I see some Muslims pray at times at certain hours of the day wherever they find themselves, and when you watch them closely you discover that they are fervently pouring out their hearts to Allah.
Various religious groups of the world pray, including the traditionalists who I occasionally stumble on in my locality muttering some words with white chalk circling one of the eyes. But whatever be the content of these numerous prayers is what I cannot really tell. Very recently, some members of the National Assembly organized what they called National Prayer Breakfast which, according to them, was meant for praying for this country, perhaps, for its divine deliverance from myriads of ‘evil spirits’ tormenting it. And as if that was not enough, our amiable President, Dr Goodluck Jonathan led a delegation to the Holy Land of Israel which among other, perhaps, important things, is to ‘pray’ for the country. These prayers were not the first, second or even the tenth time they were being said for the welfare of this country. I am particularly in support of prayers. In fact, it is an indispensable part of our existence.  But our Almighty God equally recognizes the importance of hard work, and sincerity of purpose. There is no amount of prayer that can make any difference in our lives; be it national or individual, if such prayers were not put to work.   There are millions of families in this country who hardly afford a comfortable meal per day. Thousands are dying of hunger. Will these numerous prayers place food on their tables? Most of the high ways across the country are in shambles. Particularly, the Enugu–Onitsha Expressway is not only a death-trap, but death on its own; can these prayers fix them, other than our leaders rolling up their sleeves to their real responsibilities? The expenses incurred from the said National Prayer Breakfast may have been doled out from the national treasury, counting from the adverts, and perhaps, fat envelops which may have exchanged hands thereafter; while there are myriads of more salient projects to invest that fund in.
We are gradually experiencing the consequences of the lingering ASUU strike. Several newspaper reports reveal that armed robbery is now on the increase as some of the idle students now aid the devils. For heaven’s sake, I have not heard that these prayers have caught any thief. So if these insincere prayers have any dint of potency in them, we would have by now have felt their impacts .

Note: Obinna Odogwu, Awka <[email protected]>;