Nigeria-Argentina to strengthen ties through books

The collaboration, which has already seen Argentina offer a volume of books, would require Argentina to translate its national literary works into English, while Nigeria translates its materials into Spanish.Argentine ambassador to Nigeria Gustavo Alejandro Dzugala said the collaboration would deepen Argentines’ interest in Nigeria beyond football.The only relationship between Nigeria and Argentina is football, […]

Nigeria-Argentina to strengthen ties through books
Nigeria-Argentina to strengthen ties through books

The collaboration, which has already seen Argentina offer a volume of books, would require Argentina to translate its national literary works into English, while Nigeria translates its materials into Spanish.
Argentine ambassador to Nigeria Gustavo Alejandro Dzugala said the collaboration would deepen Argentines’ interest in Nigeria beyond football.
The only relationship between Nigeria and Argentina is football, said the ambassador in talks with the National Library of Nigeria director Habib Jato in Abuja.
“We want to extend that relationship beyond football, as most Argentines don’t know anything about Nigeria,” said Dzugala.
Argentina’s commission in charge of mobile libraries is also expected to help shore up the National Library’s exchange of information and communications technology materials.
The National Library has welcomed the exchange that could broaden to involve possible training of translators for the Spanish and English books to be given by either country.
In comments on behalf of Jato, the library’s director for collection, development and processing, Binta Shuaibu-Adamu, said staff exchange and capacity building would help the partnership between both countries while they explored other areas of interest as exchange of journals.