Nigeria: Between nationhood and egoism

This discourse descended on the work of Thomas Hobbes who argues that people are essentially egoistic and this egoism makes life difficult in the natural condition of things. He, therefore, proffers that since no particular talents or virtues that people may have will make them safe from harm inflicted by others, Hobbes concludes that the […]

Nigeria: Between nationhood and egoism
Nigeria: Between nationhood and egoism

This discourse descended on the work of Thomas Hobbes who argues that people are essentially egoistic and this egoism makes life difficult in the natural condition of things. He, therefore, proffers that since no particular talents or virtues that people may have will make them safe from harm inflicted by others, Hobbes concludes that the state arises from a common agreement through social contract to raise the community, which is achievable through the establishment of a sovereign in which complete control is vested in that inspires awe and terror in its subjects.

The current state of national life in Nigeria depicts a situation where the egoistic stance of politicians saddled with the responsibility of steering the state towards the institutionalisation of effective governance is placed above the country’s nationhood. The common predisposition of self-worth and importance above any other person or what affects other people as a manifestation of egoism among political leaders in the country predisposes the country’s nationhood to being subliminal in the scheme of things where the current crop of politicians are concerned.

This egoistic stance bedevilling leaders across different levels of governance has reduced the level of nationhood and upheld the establishment and achievement of personal values and desires of the leadership at the detriment of national interest. Moreover, discourse on moral and political philosophy continues to provide explanation on state and governance from which inferences can be drawn and juxtaposed with the unfolding circumstances in Nigeria’s life.

Therefore, the state of nationhood in Nigeria is overridden by the egoistic mental state of the minds of leaders and therefore national interest is peripheral in the scheme of things, which makes the idea of nationhood questionable.

Suleiman Nagarba Dutsinma, [email protected].