Nigeria in my mind

As I write this piece, other clowns in Lafia with tacit support of Abuja is carrying out another crime of impeaching the Governor of Nasarawa state. All the two states are under the opposition APC.Stories of attempts in Benin, Maiduguri and a few other places seem also to be thickening with the Presidency and the […]

Nigeria in my mind
Nigeria in my mind

As I write this piece, other clowns in Lafia with tacit support of Abuja is carrying out another crime of impeaching the Governor of Nasarawa state. All the two states are under the opposition APC.
Stories of attempts in Benin, Maiduguri and a few other places seem also to be thickening with the Presidency and the PDP singing songs of victory assuming that removing opposition governors means easy electoral victory in the new year and possibly a vindication of how much the party and government are accepted in an already polarized Nigeria under the incapable leadership of Dr. Goodluck Jonathan.
In the course of the week, I came across a letter written expressing serious concerns about the developments in the polity by opposition leader, Muhammadu Buhari. I equally stumbled over a usually watered response coming from the presidential villa making a huge joke out of a very serious situation that has the capacity of not just truncating the nation’s civil experience but possibly even breaking the hundred years alliance to a tragic end.
While the state of insecurity especially in the Northern part of the country continues to abate, the mysteries surrounding a lot of these inhumanity ever beclouded, the powers that be at the center seem unperturbed about the fate of the people and instead continues to lavish in the euphoria of their successes while millions of Nigerians go to sleep with their two eyes open and the nation is bleeding.
It does not take a General Buhari to know and tell those in authority that Nigeria is gradually eroding into unfortunate scenarios whose exact form, shape and size remain unimaginable. I do not know who is safe if the convoy of the wife of the Vice President could be attacked.
I do not know why the government is aloof while we are gradually consumed by violence and terror. The bombs in Kaduna on Wednesday did not deter the House of Assembly in Lafia from sitting even under the protection of the nation’s security apparatuses to proceed with their mischief called impeachment.
What some of us have said time and again is that the game the PDP is playing is a dangerous one. They are so bereft of ideas and wisdom to know that in the event the roof collapses, they would be the greatest losers. They don’t seem to understand that all these machinations and increasing violence in the name of politics and power has multiple consequences and the bigger the head the more the headache.
I join General Buhari in affirming that indeed Nigeria has never had it this bad. If care is not taken, all of us will be the losers. I don’t imagine or believe that failed state is the order than exception.
The ready picture I get in my mind is a Somalia and when people ask those in authority to reflect and take proactive strategies to avert any disaster, such wise counsel is treated as a political outburst. I am saying again that there has to be the peace and order before the spoils of office are enjoyed.
It is already a theory that the security apparatuses in conjunction with political establishment are accused of complicity in the aggravation of insecurity for the sake of crumbs. Where are we really heading? I think the greatest enemies of Nigeria are those in positions of authority. I ask myself this question time and again that what do those who are our leaders intend to achieve? Why would they cause so much tension, apprehension and violence while peace is the bedrock of governance?
I am afraid that Nigeria is facing the toughest of times and the future looks very very bleak. By the day things are falling apart and those who should know do not seem to be in the picture.
Are they waiting for everything to collapse before they understand and possibly see in black and white their share inept and incapacity? Our children are in trouble because they are growing up in difficult scenarios and the future looks more difficult and tortious.
In Kaduna this Wednesday, two bombs were dropped all targeted at very important personalities. If any of the two had hit, God knows what would have followed. Sheikh DahiruUsmanBauchi traditionally marked the end of 2014 Ramadan fast preaching with the fanfare of a rally like pull out from Murtala Square. He was not hit but 25 innocent souls were sent to their graves.
Minutes later, Nigeria’s opposition leader Muhammadu Buhari who only a few days ago wrote the president on the collapsing social order in the country was targeted somewhere in Kawo, the headquarters of the 1st Mechanized Division of the Nigerian Army. Buhari was not hit but his car was damaged and some of his aides injured.
If all these do not represent dangerous signs of what to expect, then, I do  not know what next Nigerians need as evidences of the poor brinkmanship of President Goodluck Jonathan and his cohorts.
Whatever, we that are in the Northern part of Nigeria are having it naked and must brace up to the tragic times we are facing and the likely aggravation in the immediate future unless concreted efforts are made by the people of the region to reverse the trend.  It can be said with certainty that this government in Abuja is incapable of addressing our challenges.
With all these catastrophes, the government in Abuja does not seem bothered and business is going as usual. In fact it was hundred days after our girls were stolen in Chibok that Nigeria’s president granted audience to the affected families. He couldn’t go to even Maiduguri talk less of Chibok. A young girl pampered by the west came, went and directed President Jonathan before he met the agonizing parents. What a president, what a country! With Nigeria in my mind, may the good Lord see us through!