Nigeria ranks 67 in open data

Nigeria has been placed in the 67th position among 92 countries in the open data barometer published by the World Wide Web investor Sir Tim Berners-Lee’s Web Foundation. The report signed by Web Foundation’s Communication Manager Kristen Robinson said Nigerian authorities were still keeping information away from the citizens. It urged the government to make […]

Nigeria ranks 67 in open data
Nigeria ranks 67 in open data

Nigeria has been placed in the 67th position among 92 countries in the open data barometer published by the World Wide Web investor Sir Tim Berners-Lee’s Web Foundation.
The report signed by Web Foundation’s Communication Manager Kristen Robinson said Nigerian authorities were still keeping information away from the citizens.
It urged the government to make data opened to the public to allow citizens to access and analyse information for free, and find ways to improve policies that affect them
It said open data will play a critical role in anti-corruption, and Nigeria must open data on procurement contracts, public spending, budget and company registers if it must win the war against corruption.
But it commended the country on its open data policy in health and education sector. “Nigeria has open government data available on both health and education – a good step forward for transparency and innovation in the country”, it said.
Open Data Barometer  is a global snapshot of the state of open government data in 92 countries. Open data is data that is openly published online and is free for all to access and reuse.