Nigeria should forget Morocco 2015

Following the prolonged crisis that has bedevilled the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF), the round leather game has suffered a great deal. Football stakeholders are, therefore, expected to fine-tune the process of securing another coach for our national team.When Nigeria hosted the Sudanese national team at the Abuja national stadium, we saw how fans vented their […]

Nigeria should forget Morocco 2015
Nigeria should forget Morocco 2015

Following the prolonged crisis that has bedevilled the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF), the round leather game has suffered a great deal. Football stakeholders are, therefore, expected to fine-tune the process of securing another coach for our national team.
When Nigeria hosted the Sudanese national team at the Abuja national stadium, we saw how fans vented their anger on the coaching crew despite an inspiring win. They were angry at their serial poor performances.
But President Jonathan has intervened in the crisis, particularly the area that concerns Coach Keshi. The president wants Keshi to continue as coach of the Super Eagles, an action that has not gone well with many concerned football fans across the nation. They fear that Nigeria would not qualify for the fiesta in Morocco come 2015 if Keshi continues on the saddle.
We want to warn that any attempt to renew Coach Keshi’s contract would spell doom for football in the country and affect our chances to make positive impacts in continental and world soccer.
Nigerians need a competent coach to steer our national team to an optimal level so as to compete favourably with other nations.
Bala Nayashi, No 1, Yashi Area, Lokoja