Nigerian censuses and their discontents (I)

Against the background of the vehement protests and counter-protests the huge gap in favour of Christians in the composition of the conference – 309 out of the 497 delegates as against 184 Muslims – had provoked from several religious organisations, notably the National Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs (NSCIA) and the Christian Association of Nigeria […]

Nigerian censuses and their discontents (I)
Nigerian censuses and their discontents (I)

Against the background of the vehement protests and counter-protests the huge gap in favour of Christians in the composition of the conference – 309 out of the 497 delegates as against 184 Muslims – had provoked from several religious organisations, notably the National Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs (NSCIA) and the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), I thought today was as good a day as any to deal with the subject.
Bar the president’s action itself, the Secretary-General of Jama’atu Nasril Islam (JNI), Dr Khalid Abubakar, fired the first shot in this war at a press conference he addressed in Kaduna last month.
“Christians, who by all acceptable records are not more than 40 per cent of the country’s population,” Khalid said, “…constitute 62 per cent of the total delegates.” In rapid response Dr. Musa Asake, the General Secretary of CAN, dismissed his JNI counterpart’s claim as an “unprovoked defamation of Nigerian Christians.”
The JNI, he said, “should come out with the figures that make the Muslim population more than that of Christians as we in CAN will boycott future census in Nigeria beginning with the 2016 exercise if they do not include religion. Enough is enough!”
It was like a replay all over again of Obasanjo’s national conference in 2005. Then, the NSCIA in a petition to Obasanjo claimed Muslims were over 60% of Nigeria’s population. Obasanjo cautioned the council against the reckless use of statistics but quickly countered with his own ratio of 50:50.
On its part the Northern CAN through its Secretary, Mr Sa’idu Dogo, threatened to boycott the 2006 census unless religion and ethnicity featured in its questionnaire. “In view of these claims by the Muslim community,” Dogo said, “CAN insists that the National Population Commission should, without further delay, include ethnicity and religion in the forthcoming national headcount so that Nigerians and the world over will know the true position of the adherents of different religions in Nigeria as it is done all over the world.”
If this was not done, Dogo said, they would ask all Christians in Nigeria to boycott the census.
As things turned out, Obasanjo did not include religion and ethnicity in his headcount but no one boycotted it. Under Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor, CAN’s more belligerent attitude these days suggests it would probably make good its threat this time.
Headcounts in Nigeria started in the Lagos Colony in 1866 and were repeated in 1871, 1881 and 1901. The next one in 1911 covered the amalgamated Lagos colony and the Southern Protectorate as one entity. In the same year there was a separate census in the Northern Protectorate. Following the amalgamation of the two protectorates in 1914, the colonial government passed the Census Ordinance in 1917 and thus paved the way for the first nationwide census in 1921.
  Thereafter, censuses became ten yearly affairs until Independence in 1960. However, there was none in 1941 because of the World War II fought between 1939 and 1945.
The last census before independence in 1960 was held between 1951 and 1953. It put the North at 55.4% of Nigeria’s population and the South at 44.6. It was widely regarded as a watershed headcount because it became the basis for distributing parliamentary seats among the then three regions in the country, namely, North, East and West.
The census put the Muslim population in the North at 73% and the Christian at 2.7. Christians in the East, it said, were 50.1, Muslims 0.3 and animists 49.6. In the West Muslims, it said, were 32.4%, Christians 36.2 and animists 31.4. For the putative Midwest, Muslims, it said, were 4.2%, Christians 22.8 and others 73. The headcount put the overall Muslim population of the country at 44% and that of Christians at 22.
The first census after independence was conducted first in 1962. This was widely rejected and led to a recount in 1963. In his book, The 1963 Nigerian Census – A Critical Appraisal (1972, Ethiope Publishing Corporation, Benin City), I. I. Ekanem, compared the 1953 figures with those of 1963. The comparison showed that the overall Muslim population of the country increased from 44% in 1953 to 47.2 in 1963 while that of Christians increased even more during the period from 22% to 34.5, mostly at the expense of animists.
The disaggregation of the 1963 figures by region showed that Muslims in the North suffered a marginal decrease from 73% to 71.7 whereas Christians more than trebled from 2.7% to 9.7. In the East the Muslim population remained at 0.3% whereas the Christian population increased from 50.1% to 77.2 and animists shrank from 49.6% to 22.5.
In the West the Muslim population increased from 32.4% to 43.4 whereas Christians increased from 36.2% to 48.7 and animists shrank from 31.4% to 7.9. In the Midwest Muslims remained at 4.2%, Christians increased from 22.8% to 54.9 whereas animists decreased from 73.1% to 40.9.
Mr. Mike Okpara, the Premier of the East, rejected the 1963 headcount as “worse than useless” and went to the courts to have it annulled. He lost because the courts said they had no jurisdiction to hear his case and the figures became official, flawed as probably they were.
The next headcount in 1973 and the last to feature ethnicity and religion proved even worse. Members of the census board disagreed among themselves over its accuracy and its chairman, one time Chief Justice of Nigeria, Sir Adetokunbo Ademola, along with Chief Obafemi Awolowo, urged its cancellation. General Yakubu Gowon who conducted the headcount dithered in publishing it, apparently because of the ensuing controversy. He was overthrown in July 1976 and General Murtala Mohammed who took over promptly cancelled it.
The next census should have held in 1983 under President Shehu Shagari but even though he appointed the late Alhaji Abdulrahman Okene to chair the census board in 1981, Shagari did not pay much attention to it until he was overthrown in a coup in December 1983.   
The next headcount was conducted in 1991, eight years after Shagari’s overthrow. This was under former military president General Ibrahim Babangida who appointed the late Alhaji Shehu Ahmadu Musa, one of the country’s most accomplished civil servants, to chair the census commission.
The census gave the North a population of 47,369,237, roughly 53.23% of Nigeria’s population of 88,992,220, as against 46.77% for the South. This was more or less consistent with most headcounts before it.
Not everyone was, of course, happy with the results. Individuals like the late Chief Bola Ige and institutions like The Guardian rejected it because they said it was rigged to favour the North, as usual.
However, even among leading Southerners, there was widespread acceptance of the results. Such leaders from the South like the chairman of the failed 1973 census, Justice Ademola, Professor Wole Soyinka, the Nobel Literature laureate, Professor Sam Aluko, one-time economic adviser to Chief Awolowo as Western premier, and Chief Omololu Olunloyo, one-time governor of the old Oyo State, all of them praised the conduct of the exercise as the best since census started in Nigeria.
The last census which should have held in 2001 under President Obasanjo was not conducted till 2006, with Chief Samuila Danko Makama, a former senior journalist and bureaucrat, as chair of the census commission.
As with all previous ones not everyone was happy with its outcome, fairly thorough as the preparation for it was.
Interestingly, one of its most severe critics was Makama’s successor, Chief Odumegwu. “No census,” he said shortly after assuming office last year, possibly to the consternation of even those who gave him the job, “has been credible in Nigeria since 1863. Even the one conducted in 2006 is not credible. I have the records and evidence produced by scholars and professors of repute. This is not my report. If the current laws are not amended, the planned 2016 census will not succeed.”
The chief did not say how the extant laws on our headcounts were flawed but for many, especially in the South, this was their irrefutable proof that every census in this country had been rigged in favour of the predominantly Muslim North.
But were they?

Someone please call Metuh to order
It’s hard to believe that at a time all Nigerians should sink their differences – political, religious or otherwise – and join the bereaved families of the victims of the devastating early Monday morning bombing in Nyanya, Abuja, in their grief and pray for the dead and injured, all anyone will be interested in is how to make political capital out of terrible event. But this is precisely what Chief Olisa Metuh, the spokesman of the ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), has done by his reckless attempt at blaming the bombing on the opposition.
“We,” he said yesterday even as Nigerians remained in shock and confusion over the bombing, “stand by our earlier statements that these attacks on our people are politically motivated by unpatriotic persons, especially those in the APC, who have been making utterances and comments, promoting violence and blood-letting as a means of achieving political control.”
What kind of a heart – and mind – does Metuh have that he cannot wait for the bereaved to collect and bury their dead and treat their wounded before he indulges himself all over again in a useless blame game? If his bosses truly have the safety and security of Nigerians in mind, they should, for God’s sake, call him to order.